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*insert awsome name here* xD
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Go Loki Go! blaugh

I never played a shooting game in my life. Lol. Although, last year in school around the last day of school all the boys were playing shooting games in class, and I wanted to join. xD I guess I'm fine as long as I have someone besides me. And it's ok, you can tell me all about it, you wont scare me. I'm a big girl now. biggrin.gif
Yesh yesh, I love Leon! You just have to love him! You have a poster of him in your room? You lucky chicken! I wish I did too! Hehehe. The most violent game I've ever playing in my life would be...Kingdom Hearts? Star Ocean? xD The only game I own that has blood in it is Star Ocean...and there was blood for only one building so far...hehehe.

Yup! I'm sure it's ok with her. Hmm...let's start with....Resident Evil then! I really really really want to play! But...blood...dry.gif I wish I knew you in real life! Then I'd watch you play, or maybe even play with you! Like I mentioned before, I'm never that scared as long as someone is with me. Maybe you can tell me about the characters and the story of the game?

Oh and btw, I never got your name. And you're one of my best friends. xD Silly me! I forgot to ask you!


Alright then, where to start. Well, it is important to know that the evil Umbrella Corporation developed the T-Virus, which is a virus meant to be used on subjects for use in war. In other words, they want to make bio-chemical weapons. Well, an outbreak hit in Spencer Mansion, which is supposed to be the base for the basement laboratory doing these experiments. And now I will briefly describe eacg game's story and main characters:

Resident Evil - STARS members, Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine, are sent to look for their Bravo team, which is a part of STARS, who are a Special Tactics unit designed to handle extreme cases (think of it like a SWAT). The Bravo team disappeared while investigating the mansion, and the Chris and Jill end up stranded at the mansion. Although it may seem neat and empty, everywhere they turn there are zombies walking about, and other creatures. As they investigate, they discover that Umbrella is behind the creation of the T-Virus, and need to find survivors of their team and escape.

Resident Evil 2 - This covers a few months after the Spencer Mansion incident, in the setting of Raccoon City. Leon S. Kennedy (yay!) has been assigned a new job at the police department, and upon entering the city, he threw himself in a setting of zombies, as the virus has suddenly spread and infecting almost every citizen of that city. Claire Redfield also entered the city around the same time, in search of her missing brother Chris. Basically, both of them end up at the police station, where they will dig up secrets that the station is hiding. You may have thought that the station would be the safest place, but no...

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis - Taking place a day before the events of the second game, Jill Valentine decided that she must escape Raccoon City before she ends up like those who are infected. But because she was part of STARS, the monster Nemesis has been programed to follow and try to eliminate her. Throughout the game, she has to escape Nemesis's wrath every time he pops out of nowhere. She comes across Carlos Oliviera, a member of Umbrella's own special war unit. However, Umbrella decided to leave its members behind in the city for use as guinea pigs for the new monsters. So Jill and Carlos joined together to try to find a way out of the hell city.

Resident Evil Code: Veronica - Claire Redfield is back, still looking for her brother. Her search takes her to an isalnd off the coast of France, where she has been imprisoned by Umbrella. After escaping, she joins forces with another prisoner, Steve Burnside, to try and escape the island. Apparently, she is located in the home of the twin brother and sister who own Umbrella. And by incident, a third party came and wrecked the lab located in the island and spread the T-Virus, so it is still a story of survival.

Resident Evil 4 - Leon S. Kennedy finds himself working for the US government six years after the Raccoon City incident. And he has been assigned to go to Spain in search of the President's missing daughter, Ashley Graham. He ends up in a village, when the residents there seem to be alive, but not. Apparently, there is an organization that wants to take power in the US, and a third party involved, with their intentions not clear.

And there are some extremel brief sypnoses of the plotlines for all the installments of Resident Evil. If you have any more questions, specific or not, just ask me,. Oh, my name is Mary. And what about yours? Is it Hamim? XD biggrin

Wooooooooow. Soooo much! So the games go hand in hand? cool! Leon's only in two of them? And the whole mystery hasn't been solved yet? o.O It sounds cooler than I thought. I wanna play! TT-TT

Oh and err...if you don't mind...can I ask for background info of Leon? xD Like...his age and things like that...hehehe.

Yup! My name is Hamim. Most people calls me Mimi, or Mimzy, Mimz, and I used to be called Ocean Girl in first grade, wanna know why? xD hehehe. I have soooo many other nicknames. Edy calls me ham, other calls me hammi/hammy. So call me whatever you wish. biggrin.gif
Oh and my name is pronounced, Ha-mim. Ha as in haha, and mim as in...mean...cept you take out the n and repleace it with an m. biggrin.gif But a lot of people pronounces it differently. It's hard to explain it just by typing. When I get my mic (sooner or later) I'll talk to you and tell you how! biggrin.gif

Mary? A pretty name! biggrin.gif I already have a friend named Mary. She's 17, turning 18 in a couple of months. I was friends with her since I was in 2nd grade...but after awhile she started becoming distant...sad.gif And now she never calls or pick up when I call. *sigh* Another reason I hate it when we grow up...it causes some people to change and become distant.

Yes, the games go hand in hand. It's like an epic story or something. tongue.gif. The good story is what keeps gamers hooked into it. I have to play games (excluding my fun Mario games) that have a compelling story and that has characters that I like and settings that are awesome. And the story will continue with Resident Evil 5 which will come out for the Playstation 3, I can't wait!! And with the endings of REC:V and RE4, I want to know the continuation so bad, those endings left my mouth hanging!

On Leon? LOL, sure, but there isn't much on him. They don't really make backstories with video game characters unless they are epically famous (like Lara Croft, they even gave her sizes for her body, it's weird... O_o). Now for Leon, we know that he had always wanted to help people out, which is why he joined the Raccoon City police department in the first place. After the incident, he quit the job immediately (well, there isn't a Raccoon City left either way) and started training to work in the US government (and a strong position, since he works with the White House).
As for any stats, his full name is Leon Scott Kennedy, his blood-type is A, and it is a fact that he was 21 in the events of RE2, which means that he must be 26 or 27 in the events that happen in RE4.

I got the pronounciation of your name correctly, don't worry. tongue.gif Actually, I got it correct when I first read your name, too. I also have a unique name, my name is not really Mary, I just tell people that because my name is hard to pronounce, since it isn't in English. Mary is the English translation of my real name, tongue.gif.
Sure I would like to hear why you were called Ocean Girl, that's a pretty weird nickname to give a person, XD.

I'm sorry about your friend. Things like that happen all the time. I lost many friends and many potential friends that way. It's just that friendship works both ways, both friends have to work to keep in touch. But in the future you will make new friends, and the ones that always keep in touch are your real ones.

I've never played a game with endings like that. hehe, I still wish I could play RE. Espeacily because Leon's in it. xD

Lara? I heard her name...but I just don't know who she is. hehe. Does she have blond or black hair? And sizes as well...? O_o What the...
Woooooow, Leon's so much older than me. xD Hehehe.

You did? cool! You're like one of the first persons to ever be able to pronounce my name just by reading. And I got Ocean Girl by...how should I explain this? It was way back in 1st grade so I don't remember too well. And the story is gonna be weird as well. My teacher, and a couple of other teachers from our school went to the beach. And my teacher saw a girl that looks exactly like me and greeted her and stuff and of course, call her by my name. And the girl denied being me and said she lives in the ocean or something. I don't remember xD My teacher told me that story when we were lined up to use the bathroom, and when it was my turn she pulled me out and asked me...
And when I entered the classroom that morning, everyone started calling me ocean girl. And so did many of the teachers. My story sounds stupid. xD But that's what she said...

Heheh it's ok. She must have her reasons...

But I'll still have you and my other friends right? biggrin.gif

Oh! oh! oh! Tell me your actual name! My name is English either. It's really not a name...more like a word from Arabic. It's easier to explain if you know arabic...but anyways, my aunt just put two letters together and came up with the name Hamim. Although if you try to spell it out properly it would be 4 letters...
There are two types of "ha"s in arabic. The first is pronounced well...you have to put some force into it...like use your throat(sp?) and uhhh...xD Oh lord...without a mic I can't explain. But let's just say if you use the first "ha" my name means friend or best friend. and if you use the second one my name means something along the words, hot boiling water, magma/lava, or just hot water or something. Lol. So I write my name with the first Ha. Although it's supposed to be the secnd one...which makes my name sound better.

And my last name is Sultana, which means queen. I have my Mom's last name, not my Dad's. YAAAAY! One of my old friends used to call me Friendly Queen. lol.

Actually, Kingdom Hearts has endings like that, especially if you play Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (which is for the Gameboy Advance if I am not mistaken).

You don't know who Lara is? *is shocked* You are the first person I know who doesn't remember who she is. She has brown hair, and keeps it in a braid. she is the main character in the Tomb Raider series, and she travels all over the world looking for artifacts and thus saving the world from their destructive power. she usually wears tiny brown shorts and a teal tank-top, and always carries dual handguns. I could post a picture if you'd like.

Yes, you do still have me as a friend. (No, I hate you, go away, tongue.gif). <--- j/k

LOL, yeah, I do know what Arabic sounds like. My father's family is from there. My name is Hebrew, it's Mirav. It's supposed to be pronounced "Me-RAV", but I sometimes do it as "Mer-RAV." And it's supposed to have that scratchy thorat sound at the "r". I acutally don't know how to write Hebrew, I used to know it and speak, but that was when I was a little girl. biggrin

Oh yeah! I forgot KH has those type of endings...speaking of Kingdom Hearts, I went back to play mine yesterday and I was like blink.gif What to do? Lol, and the FAQs online weren't so helpful...maybe I need to start over from the beginning, or just ask one of my friends who has it.

Oh the girl from Tomb Raider is Lara? Okies I know her. xD I just didn't know her name...WHY ISN'T LEON MORE POPULAR THAN HER!??!? >_<

Yaaaay! We'll be best friends forever! biggrin.gif

You do? Hehehe, well that helps out a lot over here. xD Your name is Hebrew? Cool! I don't think I ever heard Hebrew before...I can't speak my own language that well, and let alone write it. xD


Wow, your post is so short... blink.gif

I use online FAQs too for some of my games, because strategy guides do tend to be a little expensive. It is usually better to start from scratch, especially with an RPG because those types of games don't tend to be linear. That way, you can do all that you have and still remember it if you don't stop playing.

*shrugs* Lara Croft is VERY famous, actually. She won herself a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records, and just recieved a plaque in England in the office building where she was created. Pretty huge stuff. She is in the World Records along with the super duper Mario! My username is named after her ("misscroft" wink , because I am a huge fan of Tomb Raider. biggrin.gif. Resident Evil characters, though famous, don't really stand that much of a chance for something like that, especially since Lara pretty much shaped the existence for female action stars of today. However, it surprised me A LOT that BOTH Jill Valentine AND Claire Redfield (who are from RE) were up for nomination against Lara for the spot in the book, but that is still, to tell you the truth, no match.

The only other language I can speak is Spanish, since my mom's side of the family is Cuban/Spanish (from Spain). Actually, I thought your name was kind of Hispanic, but I'm weird like that, O_o. I don't know why I thought that. xp

My PMs with Layla:
AH! You asked me a question from like...6 or something months ago and I never answered! I'm sorry! very sorry! And I'm answering you now...xD I'm an idiot.
I was checking my inbox today and deleting PMs and noticed this wasn't read or anything, so I clicked it and voila! This was in there!

And Animemax? No I never heard of it. Is that a channel for anime or something? And although I'm form Bangladesh I don't live there, I live in New York.

o you don't live in bangladesh right now aww that's too bad but livin in NY must be cool. And oh! it's Animax not Anime-max like you said. yea it's a channel for anime that i get here. it's cool cause they give you all the anime in english. i mean they dub it themselves, it fun but sometimes the voices for certain characters really suck. but when you hear the original sub...sometimes you think they haven't done that bad a job either.

it's ok if didn't reply sooner. Geez! i thugh you had gotten sick for PMing me or something like that anways, gald to hear it wasn't like that
see ya. smile

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