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*insert awsome name here* xD

My convo with Nat:

Hamim Sultana: yay ur on!
Natalie ...: yeah but im only gonna be on for a bit
Natalie ...: cause imma go to the store later
Natalie ...: i need to check and see if i got enough money to buy naruto season 2!
Natalie ...: but i don't think i have enough
Hamim Sultana: awww, how much more do u need?
Natalie ...: idk i haven't counted yet but i still don't think i have enough
Natalie ...: maybe like 20 more or something
Hamim Sultana: why not burrow from, ur sis or parents?
Hamim Sultana: this morning my comp was causing so much trouble for me. finally it stopped
Natalie ...: i can't cause im already asking my dad for money for clothes and shoes
Hamim Sultana: ooh okies...hmm...why not do some chores or somehting to earn money?
Natalie ...: we're going today so i don't think i can get anything done on time
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: oooh ok. i guess u'll have to do that another time then
Natalie ...: yup
Hamim Sultana: lalalal
Hamim Sultana: i had trouble in SO
Hamim Sultana: -_- i...bla...
Hamim Sultana: i need like about 4,000 more gold
Hamim Sultana: bla....
Hamim Sultana: more like 3k
Hamim Sultana: but watever
Hamim Sultana: this is soooo tireing
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: i never spend my gold so i don't even know how much i have XD
Natalie ...: but probably a lot
Hamim Sultana: i wish there were more ways to earn gold
Natalie ...: i ran across like a lot of 3,000 gold containing treasure chests
Natalie ...: in my search but yeah
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: treasure chests? O_O
Hamim Sultana: what are u talking baout?
Natalie ...: yeah
Hamim Sultana: oh wait...
Hamim Sultana: bvm
Natalie ...: in SO
Hamim Sultana: ur talking about SO right?
Hamim Sultana: hehehehe
Natalie ...: yup
Natalie ...: i haven't played it yet though
Hamim Sultana: i went form SO to Gaia so i got confused xD
Natalie ...: so don't spoil anything XD
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: i have like 36k in it
Natalie ...: oooooh
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: ok
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: in SO
Natalie ...: i thought u were still talking about SO
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: heheh oh no
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: but yeah
Hamim Sultana: i have over 36k on SO...i wish i had that much money in Gaia
Hamim Sultana: or better yet...I wish i had the amount of money i have in AC in Gaia! i have like over 600k in it xD
Hamim Sultana: wait no
Hamim Sultana: over a million
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: wait
Hamim Sultana: lolx
Hamim Sultana: D
Hamim Sultana: xD*
Hamim Sultana: i keep getting confused
Hamim Sultana: i have over 100k in it. not million. lol sorry
Natalie ...: lol k
Hamim Sultana: but it's still alot...if only i had that much gold...
Hamim Sultana: we have a limit of holding over 99,000 bells in our pocket, so yeah. i have over 100k
Hamim Sultana: stuypid new mummy &_&
Hamim Sultana: she's a spoiled little brat
Hamim Sultana: and doesnt help my grandma with any work!
Natalie ...: mummy?
Hamim Sultana: the idiot comes from a rich family...no wonder why she's so spoiled
Hamim Sultana: well in my country, u call your mom's brother's wife mommy, but it's pronounced mummy
Hamim Sultana: sorta like that
Hamim Sultana: u get it?
Natalie ...: yeah

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Natalie ...: im back!
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: welcome back~
Hamim Sultana: what's os funny?
Natalie ...: lalalalala idk
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: i love this font!
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: hehhe it's pretty
Natalie ...: lol yup
Natalie ...: hehe
Natalie ...: we didn't get to go to many stores today cause my cousin and aunt came over so im back early
Hamim Sultana: oooh okies
Hamim Sultana: lalalala
Hamim Sultana: oh and i heard their ongs and stuff. i only heard two tho, but i sorta liked them. and yesh...he's cute...xD
Hamim Sultana: lalalaa....(<--can't believe she said that)
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: TOLD YA!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: i like 2 of them XD
Natalie ...: but the other has a gf already
Natalie ...: but i find sandy's cousin cuter
Natalie ...: but but but don't tell her that XD
Hamim Sultana: dont worry, i wont
Natalie ...: besides, im supposed to be on break with guys lol
Hamim Sultana: he's so cute!
Hamim Sultana: xD
Natalie ...: he is! XD
Hamim Sultana: u're on holiday away from guys?
Natalie ...: lol yup
Natalie ...: no guys for me for a while
Natalie ...: hehe
Natalie ...: no matter how cute they are XD
Hamim Sultana: he's already got two fans. and he's not even a proper celeb yet!
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Natalie ...: well.... except anime guys like naruto XD
Natalie ...: haha i know
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: lallalala
Natalie ...: huh?
Hamim Sultana: nothing
Hamim Sultana: xD
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: so watcha doing?
Natalie ...: im finally updating my online chat story
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: i had promised to do the write up on sunday but it's been like almost a week now XD
Hamim Sultana: i am a chicken!
Natalie ...: i've been too busy lol
Hamim Sultana: u chicken!
Hamim Sultana: omg...that girl is crazy
Natalie ...: huh?
Hamim Sultana: im watching an anime, and one of the girls are weird
Hamim Sultana: noooooooooo!
Hamim Sultana: i dont wanna eat!
Hamim Sultana: my mommy is gonna make me eat...
Hamim Sultana: i want chinese food instead
Natalie ...: awww speaking of food im hungry
Hamim Sultana: me too...sorta, but i dont wanna eat what she gave me
Natalie ...: what is it?
Hamim Sultana: it's rice and fish
Hamim Sultana: and something called dal
Hamim Sultana: it's like a soupish thingy...doesn't sound too pleaseing eh? xD
Natalie ...: lol no not really XD
Hamim Sultana: that's because u dont know what it is
Hamim Sultana: it actualy tastes good
Hamim Sultana: but i wanna eat other things right now
Hamim Sultana: the way i described it, u must be htinking of rice, soup and fish together
Natalie ...: yeah XD
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Natalie ...: hahahaha XD im looking at Jonathan's pictures and in 2 or 3 of them, he's playing with Superman and Batman action figures XD
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: but...i only saw 3 pics...xD
Natalie ...: no on his myspace
Natalie ...: the other page i sent u was their band page
Natalie ...: but each of them have their own myspace page
Hamim Sultana: yeah, i clicked on his name and well
Hamim Sultana: there were onyl about 3 pics
Natalie ...: oh that's cause those are different albums
Natalie ...: u have to click on the one that says me or w.e and then like 5 other pics show up
Natalie ...: MIMI!
Natalie ...: I need to ask you something
Natalie ...: sandy got this pm on gaia
Natalie ...: and idk but i think it might be a scam to get her pw or idk
Natalie ...: but look at what it said:
Natalie ...: I'm sorry to inform you that your account will be banned, UNLESS you complete and send back the following PM. Your account has been reported multiple times for scamming and hacking other users and needs to be investigated for further information. We do not want to wrongfully ban your account. All we need to do is take a look at your recent trades and market activity to ensure you are innocent. The following questions are to verify that this is in fact your account. If you do not comply with this PM you will be treated as guilty and your account will be permanently banned immediately. I know we don't usually ask for this information but it's important for us to know so we don't ban the wrong person. Also we do usually have all of your passwords but are system for that is being worked on to
Hamim Sultana: it's nothing serious
Hamim Sultana: just tell her to report it
Hamim Sultana: it happens to a lot of ppl
Hamim Sultana: so they're asking for her password?
Natalie ...: oh ok
Hamim Sultana: it's obviously someone trying to hack in
Hamim Sultana: just tell her to report them and that's all there is to it
Natalie ...: okies she says thanks
Hamim Sultana: hehe she's welcome
Natalie ...: lol k
Hamim Sultana: lalala
Natalie ...: O.O
Natalie ...: LOOK AT THIS!
Natalie ...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkblrLHxOPU&mode=related&search=
Hamim Sultana: i like this song...although i dont htink the lyrics are so great
Natalie ...: huh?
Hamim Sultana: omg!
Hamim Sultana: that's awsome!
Hamim Sultana: no im listneing to this song
Hamim Sultana: and well me no likey it that much
Hamim Sultana: but i think it's ok, but meanings are awful i think...
Natalie ...: oh lol k
Natalie ...: well, i liked the vid just because this person animated that himself/herself
Natalie ...: and that's awesome! i wish i could do that!
Hamim Sultana: me too!
Hamim Sultana: i lefta c omment
Hamim Sultana: other idiots wont leave comments!
Hamim Sultana: grrr!
Hamim Sultana: they should perish!
Natalie ...: lol i know imma comment too
Natalie ...: i wanna know how they did that!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: i think they used flash or something
Natalie ...: maybe
Natalie ...: i wish i new how to do that
Natalie ...: i can probably make my fanfiction trailers with that
Hamim Sultana: hehe yup, that'd be cool
Natalie ...: yup
Hamim Sultana: lalala
Hamim Sultana: LOL!
Hamim Sultana: omg!
Hamim Sultana: that was so random and hilarious@
Hamim Sultana: he came out of nowheer and pushed him and then left!
Hamim Sultana: xD
Natalie ...: eh? XD
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: the anime im watchingwell there's a whole bucnh of guys who likes this girl
Hamim Sultana: so one of them turned it into a club for her and made himself the president
Hamim Sultana: and whenever she needs something they do it
Hamim Sultana: and some other guy were mad at the girl and yelling at her and stuff
Hamim Sultana: and the president came out nowehere, pushed him to the ground and left
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: and they continued on with the naime xD
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: haha
Hamim Sultana: lol. u get what i mean?
Hamim Sultana: it's funnier when u watch it
Hamim Sultana: and they way he ran xD
Hamim Sultana: it looks as if a child came out of the blue, pushed the guy to the ground nad left.a nd everyone was like, "(insert his name here)?" and someone else was like, "You could have at least said somehting"
Natalie ...: haha funny
Natalie ...: completely ramdom
Natalie ...: hehe
Natalie ...: i would have so done that XD
Hamim Sultana: same here!
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Natalie ...: oh! i found this vid that teaches u how to draw anime on the computer!
Hamim Sultana: but u should really watch it
Hamim Sultana: it's funnier when watched than said
Hamim Sultana: cool!
Hamim Sultana: but i thnk u'll need some programs...
Natalie ...: u already have it
Natalie ...: it teaches u how to draw it on "mircrosoft paint"
Natalie ...: and every computer comes with that program already installed
Natalie ...: or at least they should
Hamim Sultana: coool!
Hamim Sultana: wait....wat if u just have Paint?
Natalie ...: it's the same one
Hamim Sultana: oh ok
Hamim Sultana: that's good
Hamim Sultana: lol
Natalie ...: yup
Natalie ...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq6jdo4NuX4&mode=related&search=
Natalie ...: this is the vid
Natalie ...: but it's kinda not helpful just a bit XD
Natalie ...: dude look at this one
Natalie ...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8ZNyBY_F8E&mode=related&search=
Natalie ...: this person is like amazing
Hamim Sultana: okies
Hamim Sultana: lol his chatting on msn at the same time xD
Natalie ...: haha i know XD
Natalie ...: but dude he/she is amazing
Natalie ...: im never going to be able to do that~!
Hamim Sultana: yeah! omg! they make the eyes so nicely!
Hamim Sultana: but what game are they playing?
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: it's like somehting i'd do
Hamim Sultana: muiltitasking
Hamim Sultana: ahahaha
Hamim Sultana: they're downloadings tuff on limewire as well
Natalie ...: lol i know XD
Hamim Sultana: i htink that person has windows Vista...
Natalie ...: maybe
Natalie ...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vg26hiFl8Xw&mode=related&search=
Natalie ...: omfg they're drawing naruto!
Natalie ...: WUAAAAHHH!!!!!
Natalie ...: i wanna know how to draw!
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: ME TOO!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: they're amazing...*o*
Natalie ...: I KNOW!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: i don't know how to draw for my life
Natalie ...: idk how im going to do in "drawing and painting" class
Natalie ...: and idk how i'll do in "animation" class after that
Hamim Sultana: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4RppNnE17k
Hamim Sultana: OMG!
Hamim Sultana: we
Hamim Sultana: we'll just have to learn
Natalie ...: lol yup
Hamim Sultana: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eJ0UXqJql8
Hamim Sultana: it looks like Fuji. ehehhe
Natalie ...: god damn it my lil bro is playing gc in my room
Natalie ...: >_<
Natalie ...: i hate that!
Natalie ...: he always messes things up
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: how?
Natalie ...: because he makes a mess!
Natalie ...: and i went to close my room so he doesn't go in and play
Natalie ...: but my mom opened my room and let him in anyways
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: i hate it!
Natalie ...: he never lets me use his gc
Natalie ...: not even when i ask my mom
Natalie ...: but he uses my stuff without my permission and my mom lets him!
Hamim Sultana: i hate it when they do that!
Hamim Sultana: it's so annoying!
Hamim Sultana: at least my mom sometimes tries to stop my sis
Hamim Sultana: well actually almost all the time
Hamim Sultana: why not hide them?
Natalie ...: because it's his gc he wants to play
Natalie ...: but he still messes thing up
Natalie ...: freaking hell
Natalie ...: i wanted to cry
Natalie ...: but i have family over so i didn't
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: it's just not fair
Hamim Sultana: why can't he play in the living room? is it cuz of the TV?
Natalie ...: they moved the t.v in my mom's room to the living room
Natalie ...: and my dad is watching that one
Natalie ...: so yeah
Natalie ...: my t.v is the only one available
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: dont let him touch anyhitng! if he tries to, make him leave!
Hamim Sultana: lalala
Hamim Sultana: so wat's he doing noiw?
Natalie ...: idk i don't care i rather now loo
Natalie ...: look*
Natalie ...: imma occupy my time with naruto and other stuff on youtube
Natalie ...: hahahahahaha
Natalie ...: look at this!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx9WAc29kHA
Natalie ...: hehe moo
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: okies
Hamim Sultana: MICKY MOUSE!
Hamim Sultana: mwahahahah!
Hamim Sultana: the writer hates sakura and lvoes Gaara!
Hamim Sultana: *huggles Gaara*
Hamim Sultana: u know...i really miss watching naruto?
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: i miss the characters a lot as well
Hamim Sultana: even sakura! O_O
Hamim Sultana: and u know how much i hate her!
Natalie ...: XD yeah i know
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: i used to hate her too
Hamim Sultana: i dont hate her that much anymore
Hamim Sultana: tho
Natalie ...: but after watching more of naruto, i started to like her more
Hamim Sultana: dunno why xD
Natalie ...: i stil don't like her XD but i don't hate her anymore
Hamim Sultana: she just gets a little annoying SOMETIMES
Natalie ...: still*
Natalie ...: lol yup
Hamim Sultana: so i dont hate the Sakura and Sasuke pairing, and also i have't seen much of Naruto
Natalie ...: haha XD i like the part with kiba and neji in the vid
Hamim Sultana: i like it all xD
Natalie ...: "in oder words.... that's just awesome! ~music and lights~"
Natalie ...: haha XD
Hamim Sultana: msuic and lights?
Hamim Sultana: wait
Hamim Sultana: i didnt see that part
Natalie ...: it's in the end
Hamim Sultana: which part is it? liek what time?
Hamim Sultana: oooh okies
Hamim Sultana: no wonder, i didnt finsih
Hamim Sultana: i'll watch the rest in awhile
Natalie ...: oh lol ok
Natalie ...: it's in about like 3:45 or so
Natalie ...: oh no wait they say "excellent" not awesome
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: my dad is annoying and an embbarrassment!!!
Natalie ...: ah ignore them
Natalie ...: that's im doing
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: wee music!
Natalie ...: im watching all the specials to the naruto abriged series episodes
Natalie ...: lol they're hillarious
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: i love their voices!
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: and for some reason i love sasuke''s, Kakashi's and naruto's voices the most
Hamim Sultana: im on the phone talking to this guy because my dad is having some trouble with his cell phone
Hamim Sultana: oh yeah! i love their voices too!
Hamim Sultana: and the guy for the customer service has a cute voice xD
Natalie ...: customer service?
Natalie ...: which one is that?
Hamim Sultana: uh?
Hamim Sultana: im on the phone
Hamim Sultana: well i was a little while ago
Hamim Sultana: and he's nice. hehehe. he treats me like a little girl and I love that! it happens to me ALL the time
Hamim Sultana: i remember in 5th i was only 11 and i called customer service for AOL
Hamim Sultana: and they wouldnt want to help because i was only 11
Hamim Sultana: so then i lied about being my dad xD
Hamim Sultana: but once i got away with it somehow
Hamim Sultana: and this woman was helping me
Hamim Sultana: and while she was doing her work she asked me how ol i was
Hamim Sultana: and i said 11, and she asked me when i came to america and stuff. and she said im sweet
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: awww
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: they always do that
Hamim Sultana: anotehr time another woman asked me if i like sschool and what's my favorite subject
Natalie ...: great i gotta go
Natalie ...: ~sigh~
Natalie ...: time to go to the store again
Natalie ...: idk y i told them to go tomorrow since it's late now
Natalie ...: they're probably gonna close in an hour or w.e
Natalie ...: still they wanna go so i gotta go now
Natalie ...: laterzzz
Hamim Sultana: why not just say no?
Hamim Sultana: aww....
Hamim Sultana: okies...bye bye
Hamim Sultana: good night
Natalie ...: they're going to the shoe store that's y and i need new shoes so yeah
Natalie ...: talk later
Natalie ... has signed out. (5/26/2007 9:51 PM)

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