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*insert awsome name here* xD

Lookie! I created my house today and here's a screen shot of it!
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My convo with Nat today:

Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: aloha sis!
Natalie ...: what zup?!
Hamim Sultana: not much. just came back froma walk
Natalie ...: awesome
Natalie ...: im here with some cousins of mine
Natalie ...: we're having a party
Natalie ...: cause it's my dad's bday
Hamim Sultana: oh yeah!
Hamim Sultana: i forogt
Hamim Sultana: is that why u weren't on all day?
Natalie ...: yup!
Natalie ...: and i was playing Star Ocean!
Natalie ...: WOO!
Natalie ...: i got further into the game
Natalie ...: it's awesome O.O
Natalie ...: im where Ameena shows up
Hamim Sultana: WHAT???
Hamim Sultana: shut up!
Hamim Sultana: dont tell me anymore xD
Hamim Sultana: wait...
Hamim Sultana: do u mean Cliff?
Natalie ...: huh?
Natalie ...: no
Natalie ...: how far into the game are u?
Hamim Sultana: im in another planet
Hamim Sultana: are u still in whipple?
Natalie ...: nope
Hamim Sultana: that underdeveloped planet?
Hamim Sultana: or is it another undeveloped planet?
Natalie ...: no i finished that part
Natalie ...: im in another planet
Natalie ...: the one where they crash land on
Hamim Sultana: oooh okies. so am i. well i finished the crashing and stuff, im doing somehting else in that planet
Hamim Sultana: im at that planet, but another country
Hamim Sultana: how amny ppl do u have to fight with u?
Hamim Sultana: 3 right?
Natalie ...: yup
Natalie ...: are u in Aquaria
Natalie ...: ?
Hamim Sultana: yeah, im going to the main city royal watever place
Natalie ...: ok
Natalie ...: have u met this dude named
Natalie ...: errr i forgot XD
Natalie ...: some general dude
Hamim Sultana: wat color hair?
Natalie ...: black
Hamim Sultana: and blondeish hair near the end?
Natalie ...: wait have u met Abel?
Hamim Sultana: Albel
Hamim Sultana: i knew u were talking about him
Natalie ...: no i meant someone else
Natalie ...: cause he's a lutenant (sp?) for Abel
Hamim Sultana: dude...we're speaking as if we have two different games xD
Hamim Sultana: wat the....
Hamim Sultana: does he have a dragon? i mean...called somehting liek that...?
Natalie ...: what part are u on? XD
Natalie ...: what was the last thing u did in the game?
Hamim Sultana: I saved the two girls
Natalie ...: ok me too
Natalie ...: im pass that
Hamim Sultana: now are u going to Aquaria?
Hamim Sultana: i haven't there yet
Hamim Sultana: oooh
Hamim Sultana: i know why u passed me
Hamim Sultana: wat lvl are u?
Hamim Sultana: ANSWER WOMAN!
Hamim Sultana: forget about the party
Hamim Sultana: answer meeeeeeeee!
Natalie ...: im in Pastreey
Natalie ...: or something like that
Hamim Sultana: HUSH!
Hamim Sultana: just tell me
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: wat lvl are u?
Natalie ...: idk
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: how can u......
Hamim Sultana: do u train a lot?
Natalie ...: no
Natalie ...: i just explore
Hamim Sultana: i think that's the problem
Hamim Sultana: lol
Natalie ...: and i've been playing since like 7
Hamim Sultana: i explore and talk to ppl for no reason and fight like crazy
Hamim Sultana: i spent like 3 hours or so fighting
Hamim Sultana: i'm level 19
Natalie ...: dude O.O u didn't tell me there were spider monsters in the caves
Natalie ...: i was scared to death
Hamim Sultana: or 20....most likely 19
Hamim Sultana: yes i did!
Hamim Sultana: remember?
Natalie ...: u did? O.o?
Hamim Sultana: yesterday i was talking baout the spiders?
Natalie ...: oooooh
Natalie ...: ok
Hamim Sultana: i still have the convo in my journal
Hamim Sultana: i can prove it
Hamim Sultana: hehehehe
Hamim Sultana: AND OMG!
Natalie ...: well i guess i forgot or thought u were talking about something else
Hamim Sultana: u know the training facility?
Hamim Sultana: i didnt notice at first
Natalie ...: THAT ONE WAS HARD! O.O
Hamim Sultana: but later on i noticed allt he blood on the walls and floor and i was like AHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Hamim Sultana: i know! i was sooooo scared!
Hamim Sultana: and all the blood everything
Hamim Sultana:
Natalie ...: XD haha
Natalie ...: i figured u were gonna freak out in that part
Hamim Sultana: anbd i was talking to faiza and whimpering
Hamim Sultana: and i told her about when i read the rateing on the internet they spoke about blood
Natalie ...: it was hard though. if it weren't for me exploring the whole place, i wouldn't have found Nel
Hamim Sultana: but then jack told me there isnt a any blood....
Natalie ...: jack?
Hamim Sultana: but it makes sense tho...since they execute ppl there....
Hamim Sultana: yeah
Hamim Sultana: jack has the game
Hamim Sultana: that idiot has another game i want >_<
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: he was Wild Arms 4!
Hamim Sultana: and i want that
Hamim Sultana: well anyways
Hamim Sultana: i asked him befoere i bought if th egame has any blood
Hamim Sultana: and he said no
Hamim Sultana: i guess he forgot
Hamim Sultana: oh well
Hamim Sultana: as long as there isnt anymore blood anywhere else
Hamim Sultana: and whenever the monsters come out of nowhere i scream xD
Hamim Sultana: or gasp
Natalie ...: well it wasn't like real blood or that much
Natalie ...: more like just decoration idk
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: XD haha that's what i did when the spider came out
Natalie ...: i freaked out
Hamim Sultana: shut up! it was scary! *cries*
Hamim Sultana: i was whinning
Natalie ...: i almost put away the game but i was like "no! deal with it! just 1 spider. just ONE!
Hamim Sultana: and my mopm was there with me i was like mom! did u notice somehting? and she said what? and i was like, "THER'S BLOOD!!!!!"
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: same thing happened to me at the training facility
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: i dont want to go back there EVER again!
Natalie ...: I KNOW ME NEITHER
Hamim Sultana: i'd rather stay in the mines!
Hamim Sultana: i'd rather welcome the spiders with open arms!
Natalie ...: O.O no
Natalie ...: i rather stay in Wibble
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: i prefer the spiders and mine over the training facility
Natalie ...: or Whipple
Natalie ...: w.e it was lol
Hamim Sultana: oh yeah i liked whipple
Hamim Sultana: i didnt mind whipple
Hamim Sultana: but ii dont meant that
Hamim Sultana: im talking abpout the training facility and the mines
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Natalie ...: yeah i know
Natalie ...: but i rather be in whipple than in the mines OR the facility
Hamim Sultana: i was about to put away the game, but hten i thought, "let me just get over with this place!"
Hamim Sultana: yeah
Hamim Sultana: same here!
Hamim Sultana: i liked whipple actually hehehe
Natalie ...: yup yup
Natalie ...: i got annoyed with the trainning facility
Natalie ...: all those rooms and levels
Natalie ...: and i kept going in circles
Natalie ...: and i got so fed up with it
Natalie ...: i almost got up and walked away
Natalie ...: but then by pure luck i found the room
Hamim Sultana: heheh
Hamim Sultana: same here!
Natalie ...: and i was like oh god thank u!
Hamim Sultana: and i thought the one with the haulers were hard xD and the FAQs only makes me confusewd. so i did watever i felt like and actualy succeded
Natalie ...: i know
Hamim Sultana: i was just run around the place
Natalie ...: i was like reading the manual thinggie
Natalie ...: and it was like O.o? huh?
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: it happens to me with ToS sometimes
Natalie ...: and then i tried it and i was like "this ain't all that bad"
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: manuel thing?
Hamim Sultana: u mean the FAQs?
Natalie ...: no in the game
Hamim Sultana: oh ok
Natalie ...: u read this intruction manual for the haulers
Hamim Sultana: oh yeah
Hamim Sultana: i didnt bother reading htem
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: i barely ever read the directions
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: no wonder things seem more challenging for u
Natalie ...: anyways, weee im further u in the game!
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: watch, ur in for a BIG surprise
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: ~glues mouth shut~
Hamim Sultana: im wearing all black riight now. lol
Hamim Sultana: SHUT UP!
Hamim Sultana: xD
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: i swear
Hamim Sultana: if i were there right nw
Hamim Sultana: now*
Hamim Sultana: i'd slap u
Hamim Sultana: and then tape ur mouth!
Hamim Sultana: I SWEAR!!!!
Natalie ...: emo
Hamim Sultana: am not
Hamim Sultana: <_<
Natalie ...: XD my cousin wrote that XD
Natalie ...: sorry
Hamim Sultana: i knew
Hamim Sultana: that
Natalie ...: im sorry i was like trying to hold him back
Natalie ...: eww... he typed with his tongue ....
Natalie ...: ~cleans keyboard~
Hamim Sultana: dont worry
Hamim Sultana: i knew u wouldnt call me such a thing
Natalie ...: lol yup!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: is it because i said im wearing all black?
Natalie ...: yeah he's reading over my shoulder
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: it just happened unintentoinaly
Hamim Sultana: ugh
Hamim Sultana: can't spell today
Hamim Sultana: even if it's not a spoiler
Hamim Sultana: or just saying, "It's a surprise!"
Hamim Sultana: darn it!
Hamim Sultana: xD
Natalie ...: well i did XD
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: i wish i playes longer
Natalie ...: i said ur in for a big surprise
Hamim Sultana: but i had to go outside
Hamim Sultana: shhhhhhhh
Natalie ...: but not what is was
Hamim Sultana: i know
Hamim Sultana: i dont wanna know those either xD
Hamim Sultana: promise not to ever say such things again?
Hamim Sultana: (ben was right, I AM pathetic)
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: it's ok i promise
Hamim Sultana: hehehe yay!
Hamim Sultana: but i would have surpassed u!
Hamim Sultana: >_<
Hamim Sultana: but i spend my time fighitng and exploring
Hamim Sultana: and a lot of the times i leave the game on and do other stuff
Hamim Sultana: like i once went to the clinic leaving ToL on for liek over an hour
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: and it was in the middle of a cut scene xD
Natalie ...: haha
Hamim Sultana: speaking of ToL, have i ever mentioned that it's funnier than ToS? well so far...
Hamim Sultana: but i still love ToS more...maybe because i'm further into it than ToL
Hamim Sultana: dont get me wrong, i still love ToL a lot
Hamim Sultana: when will u get ToL?
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: idk
Hamim Sultana: lol. probably in two or y ears?
Hamim Sultana: xD
Hamim Sultana: ears....
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: yeah
Hamim Sultana: u'll get it when u get at least another ear
Hamim Sultana: it'll stick out from the top of ur head xD
Natalie ...: haha yeah
Hamim Sultana: i wanna play star ocean right now....
Natalie ...: and i'll make sure it's a cat ear
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: espeacily because u spoke about a surprise...i lvoe surprises
Natalie ...: well... yeah XD
Natalie ...: well not something THAT big
Natalie ...: but yeah... XD
Hamim Sultana: .....
Hamim Sultana: <_<
Hamim Sultana: i hate u....
Hamim Sultana: *rips pic with nat and hamim*
Hamim Sultana: *replaces pic frame with hamim and faiza*
Hamim Sultana: now that's better
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: it's not that far
Hamim Sultana: ...
Natalie ...: u'll be in that part soon
Hamim Sultana: LA!
Hamim Sultana: noooooooooooooo!
Hamim Sultana: HUSH!
Natalie ...: oh XD sorry
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehehe (<--Likes being clueless aboout a game*
Hamim Sultana: )*
Hamim Sultana: oh! guess what? my mom said if there's ever an anime con nearby, she'll take me
Hamim Sultana: there's supposed to be one in manhatten or somehting during december
Natalie ...: awesome
Hamim Sultana: hehehe yaaaaaaaaay!
Hamim Sultana: i cant wait till i get the boxsets!
Hamim Sultana: im gonna have to go soon
Natalie ...: oh okies
Natalie ...: well imma have to go too okay?
Natalie ... has signed out. (5/20/2007 10:48 PM)

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