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Life Is Random, So Am I.
My Thread: When All Hell Breaks Loose...Under Construction.

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{{ T a b l e ~Of~ C o n t e n t s : }}

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Open & Accepting

{{ S t o r y: }}

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Open & Accepting

They lurk in the shadows, watch every innocent humans movement.... Hear every breath.... Memorize their where-abouts.... Follow every step....

And Strike...

Surreal city, 2525, a new city, a new year, new murders, new people, new races. Not just humans... other supernatural races have moved into this once peaceful city, Vampires and Demons, though some do not believe in these creatures its true, they work next to you, go to school with you, see you, talk with you... and unbelieveably... they are not the cause of this city's horrible bloodshed. This is a whole new race, they think themselves as technically unbeatable, basically unfindable, totally unstoppable... and their destroying -slaughtering- the normal human race. Now the normal humans know what its like 'When All Hell Breaks Loose'....

Back in World War 2 Hitler had this idea of a super human race... a "survival of the fittest" type thing. He killed all the jews and other people who did not fit his standards or have the same ideas or oppose him in any way. He killed 6 million jews and other people who did not fit his "Super Human" race with this idea of his by gathering other "Super Humans" to help him.

Now, almost 100 years later, a man was researching this idea of Hitlers, and found himself meeting the "Super Human" race standards, or what Hitler thought of it. He found the report intresting along with inticing, and he decided to replay what Hitler had done years ago, but instead of killing just jews he'd wipe out all the human race that were not "Super Humans." That meant anybody. He formed a partnership with another man he had known since grade school that also fit the "Super Human" standards, and they began a reign of mass murders in Surreal city, although a once peaceful city, this city is far from normal. The low class live in this city, along with those that practice witchcraft, those who believe in demons, believe in vampires, and believe they are these things, along with the normal humans and the others who believe they are "Super Humans" and are joining up to wipe out the normal human race...

So now theres an all-out war between the "Super Humans" and the Normals... and the Vampires and Demons are stuck in the middle of it. So now the all the Vampires and Demons are left with a decision:

Help the humans beat the "Super Race" or Help the "Super Race" hurt and slaughter and totally wipe out the normal human race....?"

That is for you to decide....

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{{ R u l e s: }}

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1. PM All Character Profiles To ME. Follow my Character Outline (next post), and Title it "When Hell Breaks Loose" or it will not be accepted.

2. Fighting and killing is aloud && encouraged, BUT: you are only aloud to kill if you have permission from the person you are killing. If you get killed, you are aloud to make another character. You are aloud as many characters as you can handle but I'll need profiles for all of them.

3.Romace is aloud && encouraged!! But please keep it PG...16... and if it goes over PG16 -you know what I mean (duh.. cybering..)- GET IT THE F**K OFF MY THREAD This Means ABSOLUTELY NO CYBERING ON MY THREAD!! Ha ha, Thank you Besides, I don't think you want to get on my bad side and on the blacklist now... do you? Didn't think so.

4. No GODDAMN god-moding or powerplaying, On this thread I AM GOD and what I say goes, got it? Good.

5. Obviously cursing is alright and adds to the drama, just don't swear every other word -don't over-do it-.

6. Use some form of OoC, {{--}} or ((--)), to show you are out of character.

7. Use detail while RPing.

8. NO ONE LINERS! Give us something to work off! That 3 sentences or more, I understand writers-block, just don't make a habit of it.

9. Semi-lit.-Literate ONLY.

10. Use Proper Grammar. I can understand typos and accidently mis-pelled words, but unless you are talking out of character do NOT use chatspeak. And I do not want to see any form of l33t writing anywhere in/on my thread 'kay?

11. Do not use * or - for every thing you do. Example: *I see you* Hi *waves* Or: -comes up to you- how are you? -smiles- THATS NOT LITERATE AND ITS HORRIBLY ANNOYING! If you read these rules put a heart somewhere in your Characters Skeleton when you send it to me.

12. I have the right to kick ANYONE off my thread, Reject Character profiles or anything like that. I also have the right to take off, change, or add any rules when I feel it is necissary.

13. Super-humans do have the right to VERY LITTLE godmoding, but they CAN be killed, and Superhumans CAN NOT dodge every attack, but they are stronger than regular humans, but can be hurt/harmed by regular humans, and Vampires & Demons are a BIT stronger than the Superhuman race.

14. HAVE FUN!!

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