name: Princess Sumi
Sumi came to the kindergarten trying to find her missing shards of the Taisen Jewel, but she got attach to the school and forgot to leave. Sumi likes Kohaku, and her "emotoe~chan" is Chii.
name: Chii
Chii was forced into a portal by someone unknown from Celes to the kindergarten. There she was alone with no friends, until she met Sumi. She and sumi began to be friends, and now Chii claims that Sumi is her "onee~chan". Soon after she met Fai, the person who created her, but she has lost her memory, and almost completely forgot who he even was... Now Chii has decided that her person "just-for-me" was Fai, and always will be, she wishes they could be together forever... But Chii is claimed to be a "Chobit" and because of that rumor -that might be true- a girl perscom named, Dita, and her master, Zami, are after her. Before Chii was Chii her real name was Elda, and she was the second -maybe- Chobit created. The first was her sister, Freya. Chii's master, made a program to teach perscoms how to love, but atfer the program was uploaded he turned her off and threw her away, hoping that someone will turn her now once again, and find a person who loves just Chii.
name: Rin
Rin came to the kindergaten, given a task to get the purest soul there. But she started to linger there, and eventucally forgot about it. She's friends with Temari, Kankuro, and Nanako. She fairly new, so she doesn't know much poeple yet.
name: {~{girl }~} Dita {~{boy}~} Zami
Dita and Zami tracked Chii down, and notice she hangs out by a certain place such as the kindergarten. So they are hunting her down for their own "reasons"
name: nanako
Nanako came to the kindergarten to escape her fate. She has very few friends because of her shyness, and she's so fairly new to the kindergarten.
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