scream Why is it so damn hard to get a f*cking crown?! Phew! Felt good to get that off my chest. Ahem, I thought I'd post something in my blog that wasn't totally random. It deals with my quest. In real life, I wear a Halloween King's Crown and scepter, I admit it. I need the ego boost because I have low self-esteem. scream Bah! Because of that, I desire for my Gaia Online Avatar to have a crown and scepter as I do.
So what the deal? Sounds simple. Make a quest thread, earn some gold, hopefully get donators. Simple, right? Wrong. The crown is so expensive, a king's ransome you could say. He he, I couldn't resist the joke. So far, I currently have over 30k in gold, but that will be gone when I buy the tickets for the crown. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that part. The cheapest way I can buy the crown is by saving up tickets. The hardest way would be saving up 600k, which seems impossible since.
If anyone reads this, I'm not begging for gold or anything. I'm just trying to vent some of my frustration. Better to vent my frustration in my blog than to take my scepter and smash my computer. Believe me, I'm tempted to right now. sweatdrop