I can't quite remember why I left Gaia in the first place but I think it had to do with the dynamic of this site. I was doing Gaia commissions for a while and I think that's waht got to me. I was pouring my heart and soul into making good images and then when I was finished I was one: not *really* getting paid for the work (i.e. real money) and two: taking it to heart when people would critisize stupid little things about my image. Honestly, I'm pretty sure a lot of people here are still like that. And by "like that" I mean, that they only comment to tell you that they think it's shitty or that they've seen better art than yours. And that really got me down! But now, I think I can take it better and I have more confidence in my work than I used to!
Anyway, I was asked if I am going to be doing Gaia Comissions. Well, I haven't quite decided. I'm def. not going to be doing full length images anymore since I am a perfectionist and it takes me much longer than it should, all for fake money. So, I think I might do small busts which should take up smaller portions of my time and I can feel much better about not charging money for it. Either way, that won't start until atleast June. And here's why:
I am attending FanimeCon in San Jose, CA this Memorial Day weekend so I have and will continue working my butt off on that until it's over. Anyway, If you are attending please let me know and please stop by b/c even though I am going to Fanime to make some money, I am mostly going to meet new people! I will be selling prints, bookmarks, keychains and possibly magnets (still trying to figure out this magnet paper I bought.) I will also be trying to do sketch commissions. But, I haven't drawn on paper in over a year so I'm not sure how that will go! (reminds me, I need to practice! D: ) Here is a photo of the bookmarks and keychains since those are in my possession right now:

Sorry about the glare, but it's hard to take images of things that are laminated or in a clear plastic casing :/ Anyway, if any of these are left over, I will be selling them online.