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Just a place where I put stories I write.
Shadow's story part 3 4th period O.O
Shadow got up that morning then got dressed. Shadow went down stairs then sat at the table and waited for shade. Shade came down stairs then grabbed her lunch."Come on shadow we don't have all day."Shadow said lowly."Your the one taking hours to get ready."Shade turned around and glared at shadow then she turned around with a 'hmhp' and walked out the door. Shadow got up,grabbed his lunch then also walked out. Shadow turned around,locked the door, then walked to shade."You ready,shade?"Shade gave a small nod then they both started to walk down the stairs. Once at the bottom they started to walk to school. Shadow walked backwards to make sure Max didn't hi him again. Shade looked at shadow then tilted her head and says."Whats wrong niisan?"Shadow replied back without taking his eyes off the street."Making sure I don't get hit by Max again."Shade laughed then after a while they go to the school. Shade went to her Kindergarden class while Shadow went to homeroom. Shadow walked in then sat down in his chair and waited. Max walked in then sat infront of Shadow. Max turned around then said to Shadow."Hey Shadow,ol' buddy, ol' pal. Whats new?"Shadow looked at max then out the window. Shadow replied."Nothing much you?"Max laughed then showed him a piece of paper."I changed my classes to yours. Now I have,not just homeroom, but P.E. and forth period."Shadow looked at max curiously."What is forth period anyway?"Max scrathed his head then thought on it and said."Well.....I'm not really sure. When I asked the principal, she just said it was something that would blow our minds. So I hope its fun."Shadow nodded then the bell rung. Ms. Kiume walked in then wrote'Welcome!' on the board. She then turned around and said."Well class, even though school just started we have a new student. Her name is Yuna. So, without farther introduction, here is yuna!"Yuna came in shyly. Her face was red with blush. Yuna started to speak. She stuttered thought most of her words."He-hello Ev-every-ev-every-one...."Everyone was silent,no one spoke to make her feel more at school. Yuna's face turned more red. Shadow finally stood and said"Welcome Yuna,to our lovely-"Shadow coughed then stared at everyone."-Class. I am Shadow,nice to meet you Yuna."Yuna's blushed more and continued to look down. Ms. Kiume sighs then says to yuna"Well Yuna,since you have almost all the same classes as Shadow,you will sit by him. And Shadow."Shadow sat down then looked at the teacher. She spoke again."You will show Yuna all her classese."Shadow nodded then yuna walks over to the seat by shadow. Yuna sits down then takes out her stuff. Her face was still red. Yuna took out a pencil, but dropped it right after that. It rolled toward shadow then shadow stops it and picks it up. Shadow dusts it off then hands it back."Here."Yuna took it slowly then quickly turned around to the front. She said softly,blushing a bit more."Ar-arigato." Shadow nodded a few times. That period ended then Shadow took yuna outside to her P.E. Class. Shadow ran then stood in line as Coach Rage walked by. Rage looked at his list then spilted everyone. Rage yelled."Look everyone! Today we are playing Dodgeball. Powers are aloud. Now go to the field!"The teams went to their spots. Shadow was glad Max was on his team but, mad that gigan was on the other side. Shadow was still mad that he lost against Gigan, so he wanted payback. Rage yelled"START!"Shadow made alot of shadow hands to grab the balls then threw them at one person, Gigan. Gigan eyes grew wide as he got hit by every one of the balls. Gigan slide far backwards then he got up and walked to the OUT box. Gigan stared at shadow and said under his breath."I will get you shadow."The game soon ended and Shadow's team won. The lunch bell rung then Max and shadow went to the roof to eat. Megami and sakura soon bursted in. Megami said loudly."HI SHADOW!! I found someone that was looking for you."Shadow looked up and tilted his head and asked."Who?"Megami stepped to the side and yuna was there,red as ever. Sakura covered her ears as Megami kept screaming."Oi...megami your yelling again."Megami giggled then said."Sorry sakura-chan."Megami,sakura and yuna sat down with Shadow and Max. Yuna sat some ways away from everyone as they talked and laughed. Shadow just sat there and listened. Yuna soon moved a bit closer then closer. She moved closer until she was sittint right next to shadow."Ummm sh-shadow?"Shadow turned toward Yuna then ask."Yes?"Yuna looks down then askes shyly."Ma-may I have som-some of your fo-fo-fo-"Shadow takes a piece of his fish then puts it in her mouth. Shadow laughes then says."Food. Sure."Yuna blushes more then looks down and says."Arigato."Shadow nods. Megami looks at shadow then points to his food and says."May I have some too?"Shadow took another piece then put it in her mouth. Megami smiled then held her cheeks and closed her eyes. She awww at the taste. A sweat drops down shadow's face then turned around and Max popped up in shadow's face. Max said joyfully."May I have some too!?"Shadow's sweat drop got bigger as he said."Umm max...No.."Max turned aorund then fake cried. Shadow sighed then said."Its not going to work max, but..."Max handed him the rest of his food. Max got up,ate the food then the bell rung. Shadow sighed as he didn't eat any of his food. Megami and Yuna saw shadow sigh then felt sorry. Shadow, megami, Yuna, sakura and Max all had the same forth period class so they walked together to it. Once there they all sat together. Shadow saw Kevin walk in then waved to him. Kevin waved back then came and sat by the group. Everyone in the group talked together,learned more then the bell fo class to start rung. Everyone sat still as the female teacher came in. She wrote her name on he board then said."Hello class, my name is Nipty. And I teach a special subject. I won't tell, but you will learn over time-"Nipty giggled."-and space."Everyone questioned to theirself about what she was talking about. After a while Nipty handed everyone a piece of paper that said."Warning, on this trip you might get hurt. If you get lost don't worry. The door is always open for you to come back. And DO NOT LEAVE THE TRAIL! Thank you."Once everyone looked up they were in a snowy place. On the list it also said."Get these items for extra credit.: Red ice stone,black rocks and a green stone. These items should be close by. You may join groups if you like. Good luck."Shadow and his group shrugged then sighed. Shadow stood up and pointed to megami, sakura,max,yuna and kevin. He said as he pointed."Ok we all will be in a group and find those items!"Everyone nodded then got up and started walking. After a while they found nothing but colds. Shadow sneezed then wiped his nose and said."Damn its so cold."Megami replied."Maybe we should huddle up!"Sakura laughed then said."Or find a cave until we come up with a plan."Max wasn't there to say anything. Yuna stayed quite. And Kevin said."Has anyone seen max?" Everyone turned around then looked around for max. Shadow said Loudly."MAX!!!"Max snicked at the top of a hill. He had googles on and a coat. Max said to himself."Well now, to win this Olympics we must slide into first." Max got on his sled then said."I will win this for everyon-"The sled went donw the hill while max was sliding down the hill at full speed. Max was headed for everyone down the hill. Shadow and everyone continued to look then heard a noise. Everyone turned around then tried to run. Max was too fast. He slammed into them taking them with him. Max and the others slid in a cave then slammed into the wall. Everyone just laid there a while then max got up and screamed."WHOO!! That was fun!" Everyone else groaned and moaned in pain. After a while everyone got up then made a fire with the help of megami's powers. Shadow said softly."Thanks megami and other with the sticks."Shadow sat down then stood up quickly after siting on something sharp. Yuna walked over then picked it up."Is this the green stone?"Shadow looked at it then smiled."Yup thats it."Shadow walked over then a loud 'ROAR' sounded and shook the cave. Yuna dropped the green stone "OH NO!"Yuna ran after it then into the darkness. Shadow saw her run, but couldn't move. After the roar stopped Shadow and everyone sat down for a rest. Shadow laid down and breathed hard. More minutes passed then a loud scream was heard.Shadow and everyone jumped up then ran toward the scream. Once they got there they saw yuna in a corner,holding the stone close to her. Megamai asked her."Are you alright yuna."Yuna nodded then they started asking her question. Maxs yawned then turned around. He saw the other items then rushed toward them. Max grabbed them then smiled happily. Max heard something then turned around. He dropped then items then gets wide eyed. Shadow said."So you were attacked here? And you couldn't see it?"Yuna nodded then got up slowly. At that moment Max flew into the wall by them,holding his daggers."Damn, what was that?"Max asked. Shadow turned around then go smacked and flew across the cave into a wall."SHADOW!"Everyone screamed. Shadow got up slowly and so did Max. Shadow wiped the blood from his lips then said."Its invisable, so we need some light."Sakura nodded then made a light ball. A creature with long claws,a ghost like botton and was all black appeared. Shadow,Max and kevin attack at once.Shadow used his shadow ball. Max used his wind scythe. And Kevin used his Flame ball. They swirled together then hi the creature. It dessolved then drops a Moon like crystal. Everyone cheered then grabbed the stuff. Shadow took the moon like crystal then put it in his pocket. The room turned back to normal then the bell rung. Shadow and others were the only one in the room. The room was kinda messed up thanks to the attack after math. The principal walked in then saw the room and got mad."WHAT THE HELL HAPPANED!?!"Everyone sighed and didn't say anything. The principal sighed then said us."Look,I can't fix everything. So you have a choice. You can either clean the school for the rest of the year or.... create a club and stay everyday after school. You can have fun, but you also still have to clean the school."Shadow's group discussed it then shadow stepped up and said."We would like the group. Also can you atleast take my sister home everyday?"The principal thought on it then nodded. She walked away then everyone in shadow's group went back to the homeroom then sat down."So we have a club now."Shadow said happily."So that makes us a team,hehe."Max said."YAY,YAY a team!"Megami yelled."Oi. Your yelling again megami. And this year is starting to get interesting."Well later this week lets go to my house for some R and R."Kevin said. Everyone nodded."Umm...sorry I go everyone in trouble."Everyone laughed then shadow said."Its ok. It was fun. We should get in trouble more often like that."Max jumped in and said."So what will the group be called? I say, Max and his crew."Max did a pose with it. Everyone eyes got small then they all said."No."Max sighed got a sad face.Shadow suggested."Well how about the the Element team?"Everyone nodded then everyone said."No."Shadow and everyone sighed then he said."Well names don't matter right now. Lets just get this room clean, as a team."Shadow put his hand in. Max nodded then said."Yeah for the Max Force!"Megami and sakura put there hands in then said."No."Kevin laughed then put his hand in."This will be one hell of a team." Yuna slowly put her hand in."Ye-yeah."Shadow smiled then said."Alright its settled. We will add more members one day but for now, this is our team. Lets do out best!"Everyone raised their hands then said."YEAH!!"

Endo of chapter 3. Next time on shadow's story.

"Ello everyone. I am student musi. A girl of course. Next time I will take the stage. I am so clumsy that bad things happen, Hahaha. So till next."Blows a kiss."Bye-bye."

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