Yokozuna, former WWE champ, he died in his sleep. Okay... The guy was like, 6-700 pounds when he died, but when he was wrestling in the WWF, he was one of the fastest wrestlers out there. Then there's Hawn from the Legion of Doom, one of my all time favorite tag teams of all time, will never form again. And here's the thing, after all of my searching, I still can't find his cause of death... I for one will forever miss the Legion of Doom.
Two more I discovered that is longer with us is the Big Boss Man, and Crash Holy. THE BIG BOSS MAN AND CRASH HOLY IS DEAD?! Damnit! I'll admit, they weren't my favorites or anything, but still, I respected those guys, and what they did. Buy here's the one that shocked me the most when I first heard it, miss Elizebeth, the founder of the term "wrestling diva" died one or two years ago... And right now, all fingure are preety much pointing at Lex Luger.
The ironic thing is, almost all that I mentioned died at a fairly young age, and many were suspected of dieing because of drug overdose. It only makes you think "What is this world comming to?"
Okay, on a lighter note it's time for one of Hybird's homemade Mythology characters! [Insert cheezy wheel of fortune clapping here]
Todays "myth" is the Metadragons: Metadragons are, simply put, Metamorph-able Dragons. This race is so diveres, you can hardly tell if on dragon, and another dragon, are related or not. Metadragons are also highly intellegent, and are often willing to aid those that are need... Unless they are human. This drawing happens to be one: