If you know what a kender is, you will understand. If not, this is going to be a collection of random stuff depending on how I feel, the events of the day, web sites, personal interests, trinkets, collectables and stuff from my pockets :)
Breathing exercise
Like I said in the previous post I have had a lot of experience with meditations. From simple breathing exercises to leading groups to a quiet place within their imagination, amd meeting spirit guides. But because I know some of the people reading this are young I am only going to do the relaxation bit of it and also request that if you are under 18 that you have your parents have also read this too.
The following was the first one that was taught to me. It is a simple breathing exercise that shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. This exercise is great for when you start any meditation, or just need some time to relax.
First of all, find a nice quiet place where you will not be disturbed for 5 minutes or so. If there is a lot of back ground noise (fighting siblings for example) play some soft music. I usually recommend the milder stuff. None of this Rap, or heavy metal. I like classical, the new age alternative stuff, and nature sounds, but the soft rock and country stuff is ok if that is all you have.
Once you have your quiet place, make yourself comfortable, you can sit in a chair or on your bed or even lay down. Then when you are ready, close your eyes, and let youreslf relax. Take 3 deep breaths (I was taught to breath in through the nose and out through the mouth, and may describe it this way, but you breath how ever you are comfortable through the nose, through your mouth it is all the same) as deep as your body will allow you to take with out hurting yourself or making you feel uncomfortable. (For most people inhaling to the count of 5-7 and exhaling to the count of 5-7 helps).
As you breath in the first time, I want you to feel it as it enters and exist your body feel your chest expand and deflate as the air comes in through your nose/mouth, and exit through mouth/nose. On your second breath listen to it travel through your nasal and throat passages, and into your broncial tubes and lungs as it travels in and then out. On your third deep breath, try to imagine being part of the air that comes inside you, be apart of the circulation process as it travels into your lungs and becomes part of the blood stream that travels into your heart and through out the rest of your body.
If you are having problems with any part of this exercise just stay with what you are able to to. Not everyones senses are the same and for some it will vary. If listening to your breath is easier than feeling it or visualizing it, don't worry about it. Focus on your breathing in what ever method you can.
Once the 3 deep breaths have ben completed, continue to breat at your normal rate. Remembering to stay focused and concentrate only on your breathing and chest area. Then when you are ready you can open your eyes.
Hope this helps whom ever reads it. If there is enough of a calling for it, I will add meditations.