Well although no one reads this is just type it out any way.
Well first of to start my week of hell off my computer went on the frits again.. but i got the bugs worked out and then my Dvd burner went and died on me and the storage hard drive got scrambled and all my file are doomed to be wiped into nothingness.. well close to the end of the week now the worse thing to happen possible did Sara or Dwayna Dragonfire as you all know her as broke up with me after 2 years off being together. So to help get my mind of it i started playing D&D Online or "DDO" well after being of Gaia an msn for a a day and 1/2 i log on to find out that, She as already moved on and gotten a new Boy friend, although i'm glad to see it, it hurts me a lot that she could just up and get one without even taking a few days because when we were talking she said to me quote" I want to stay single for a while" so i figured she would, be alas my life which as been slowly turning in a downward spiral, as now starting spining out of control this last week and something tells me its only going to get worse from this point on. As is i'm thinking of leaving Gaia for good and possible even stop going on MSN, That i don't know yet.However despite what i said yesterday about not getting depressed, i am now greatly becoming depressed and there is nothing that can be done to really stop it... unless my luck changes.
I would like to say" I am sorry to anyway whom has to put up with my emoness these next few month" as i know it can be very annoying and stupid.
Well thats about all i can think of right now, if you wish to reach me you can e-mail be at any of the e-mails listed in my profile , those with my phone number can call me or if happen to be on "DDO" D&D Online, My Character name is RavenD, and you can send me a "tell" oanytime i'm online or mail me anytime and i'll get back to you.
~ Raven Anima Dellanotte
Raven DragonFire · Mon May 07, 2007 @ 01:32pm · 0 Comments |