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.+. N Y O M E <3 D O O M .+. I like cupcakes too.

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Old trades have been canceled.
It's not terribly exciting news, but I felt like I should mark it down at least. I canceled all the trades containing art payment that have been up for a ridiculously long time and the artist doesn't seem to be active on Gaia anymore.

If you're one of these artists and feel like you'd still want to do the artwork, let me know and I'll resend the trade. It's not that I want to rip off artists, it's just that the gold is sitting there being all useless while I hold onto a thread of hope that my art request from *checks quickly* July 07, 2005 will go through. Erm, yeah.

RL news is updated in my LJ, if I ever remember to use it. Otherwise, I'm awfully boring and secretive and what I do is of no interest anyways. :'D

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I'MNOTDEAD; Happy holidays!
Well, I'm not. :3

I've just been spending more time outside. Y'know, like the sun and air and hobos and stuff. Yes, I'm just such a crazy kid nowadays.

I really don't think many people still keep up with journals on Gaia. There just haven't been too many changes and shiny new feaures added on that might draw some attention.

I have begun to record some of my thoughts of NYC so far. Hopefully I'll branch out from there and become a regular blogger at my livejournal though. I've tried a lot of things- myspace, vox, blogger, etc. Still, I think most of those are too bogged down with tools that I won't ever touch ( much like Photoshop, heh ) so I'll just stick to LJ.

Oh, right. Enough rambling.

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Happy valentine's Day;
Happy Chinese New Years;
Happy President's Day;

and for the helluvit,

Happy spring break/midterms/giant death blizzard coming through NYC.

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Letters/Items I still want [personal list]
Just a list here so I don't forget what to buy in the future. x___x;

Stolen from my oekaki shop and whatnot. Hehe.

I'm [still] looking for:

  • January 06 x 2
  • March 06 x 1 (one mochi too)
  • May 06 x 6 (ANGELBOWSxUNLIMITED)<3!!
  • June 06 x 3 (and one each of the items)
  • July 06 x 2 (and one each of the items)
  • August 06 x 3 (and one each of the items)
  • October 06 x 4 (two shadow spirits, PIXIES x UNLIMITED)<3!!
  • November 06 x 4 (and two each of the items)
  • December 06 x 5 (and one each of the items) <3!!
  • Other items I like: kiki, coco, angelic pendant, 03s (haha XD)
  • Pure, I suppose. But I'd greatly prefer letters.

I'm so in love with the pixies and the winter roses. <333

Oh yeah, hope everyone's having a great winter/christmas/holiday season! :3

Update 9/23 + art
mkay, so just a couple of things to mark.

--- my tablet is dying. USB cable I believe, since the laptop keeps telling me there was smoe USB malfunction and if i twist the cable a bit it comes to life and then dies. But I keep wanting to draw. : (

It pains me deeply. u_u;

--- The city is interesting. If you guys haven't already heard, I'm in NY now and all moved in. ; 3 it's really fun exploring the city, but there's a lot of homework and I'm still trying to get used to the people and the smoke/dirt/etc @ @;

--- I changed my avatar. I wanted to keep Nyo's original avatar, I really did. Dx but it's been months and the old mouths don't seem to have come back yet. I'm just marking this day down so I can kinda know for myself when I changed.

Yay, okay. Here's some art stuff.

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Plus, a special (?) paintchat session I screenshotted for some reason.
Focused on noishie and me. :3 I'm in black, she's in red for the most part.

click here to see the randomness

Plus Nyome and Shokkie both sport new siggies. x3

.... and a lot of WIPs I'm too lazy to screenshot. xD;

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Almost birthdaytime again. XD
Yay, birthdaytime! August 26, that is.

Actually, I don't have that much time to celebrate it. We're going up to New York on the 25th ( *should be packing right now, but is a bad Nyo* x3;; ) and my birthday's on the 26, and move-in is 27th. So yeah, not too much time to focus on my birthday. ^ ^;

I'm not asking for any presents, online and offline, but I just have the same request I did last year. That you write your honest opinion of me here, or in the last journal entry. It really makes me smile when I read back on the comments, and they've really helped me keep my head clear and remember what's important to me. That's the best present I could ask for. heart

Thank you all so much. <333

Trip to Tokyo, Japan. : 3
* Also, the previous post ( AX2006 )was updated for now with my pictures/videos. ^ ^

  • Day [ 1 ] ------ July 6/2006

      The plane trip to Japan. :3 Nothing too eventful, except Frej kept punchbuggy-ing me on the plane. If I ever see a flying beetlebug, I'll forgive her. >>;

      It was about a 12+ hr flight.

  • Day [ 2 ] ------ July 7/2006

      First day, we just stayed at home and watched Cowboy Bebop on Frej's laptop. XD I've seen a few episodes here and there, but I never got the watch it all the way through.

      Her cousin that picked us up from the airport had a car, and I found this little side mirror on the front left side to be highly amusing. I also took some shots as we went along the way. Mostly of the most useless stuff, but shhh. :3 And a video of the bridge we passed.

      ( we were going from Narita airport to their apartment by Tamachi station. Very close to Tokyo Tower too. )

      I took a picture of the toilet in our apartment too. XD

  • Day [ 3 ] ------ July 8/2006

      We finally got out of the house! *cheer* We visited Shinjuku [ 2 ], because Frej wanted to go to some mall there. I just saw 0101, but I'm pretty sure that's not how it's said/spelled/etc.

      We also splurged on the capsule machines and UFO catchers there. Spent a ton of money trying to get a little bear, but dammit we got them! <3

      Also found a very cheap and pretty good Chinese restaurant there. Dx I really haven't found the food in japan to be that expensive if you look hard enough.

  • Day [ 4 ] ------ July 9/2006

      Today was my idea to go to Akihabara. It's about the only place I've ever heard mentioned a lot if one was to visit Japan. Honestly I think it's about the same as the other places we visited, but with roads shut off and more tourists and higher prices.XD

      We did go to a few stores though, namely AsoBitCity ( Highly recommended. Good stuff, great prices ), Animate ( Lots of stuff for hardcore fans. ), and Daiso ( 100 yen store ftw. <33333333333333 )

      And we got really yummy crepes.

      I took a few pictures of signs I thought were amusing. xD

  • Day [ 5 ] ------ July 10/2006

      Harajuku. We went with one of Frej's cousins and she took us around the place. A lot of our favorite places were here. A huge Daiso store that we loved and of course, splurged our money in, Kiddy Land ( a store for kids. The cuteness is overwhelming )and some very cute shops along the way. I also saw some interesting things... ( most of the cute/interesting stuff is in the ETC section at the end. )

      We also stopped off somewhere else and went to Loft ( they had lots of cute pens and pencils ) and I got my Last Alliance CD. CDs in Japan are more expensive than what I'm used to, but I'm glad I got it because they're hard to find elsewhere.

      We ate sushi at night. Nyo was unpleasantly surprised to see that the wasabi was already under the raw fish. ^ ^;

  • Day [ 6 ] ------ July 11/2006

      Concert dayyyy. Turns out Frej had reserved two tickets for a concert for an indies band before we came to Japan. It was in Urawa, in a live house called Narciss.

      The bands performing were No God ( we didn't like them that much ), Clavier ( the one she wanted to see, since they're breaking up ), and Gift(?). The tickets were 2000 yen, but you had to buy a 500 yen drink to get in. XD

      It was J-rock stuff, so the guys looked like girls, and the girls were in lolita outfits. & &; And it's a lot heavier than the stuff I listen to, since I've gone kind of soft lately. But the thing that really surprised me were the girls in the mosh pit. They were doing hand motions in sync, all of them. And then they spun around when the singers told them too ( like spin to one side of the room, spin to the other, trample people who get in the way. ), head...hair....swishing, and the most surprising, body slamming ( girls in front would bend over in half on the bars, and other girls would take a running leap and back slam them as hard as they could. @_@; ) Frej and I just scooted to the corner and let them at it. We were a bit surprised, to say the least.

      But in the end, she got a drumstick from Clavier's drummer, so we went home happy~

      Also snapped a picture of the Tokyo night view from the bridge on the way home.

  • Day [ 7 ] ------ July 12/2006

      Harajuku again~ Frej wanted to go to a store called Sex Pot Revenge to get a lucky bag, since they restocked Wednesday. Too bad there were only male ones left though, so we just went to Daiso again. XD Seriously though, their 100 yen store has such CUTE stuff,unlike ours here,which is just practical and interesting at most.

      I also bought some whitening lotion because I hated being so tan. u_u; Nyo likes her paleness, thankyouverymuch.

      When we got home, there was a little incident with a cockroach, but that's better told in person than explained. Long story short, we both hate bugs.

  • Day [ 8 ] ------ July 13/2006

      Our first day to just sit back and relax. Traveling around is really tiresome after awhile, at least for me because I brought a pair of medium-high shoes. Still, walking around in the hot humid weather for 4-5 hours each day gets to you, plus traveling on the monorail is pretty pricey after awhile.

      We went to eat Korean BBQ ( we got little bibs. how cute~ ) and then went to Starbucks with her girl cousin to read magazines for awhile. Also rented Lost ( EP 1 + 2 ) which turned out to be pretty good, and Kiki's Delivery Service, which I think is a really adorable film.

  • Day [ 9 ] ------ July 14/2006

      We went to Ikebukuro, mainly Sunshine City. We were looking for Animate there, and we did go... but it turns out the stores by it were better. XD Or at least cheaper. They had so many adorable things for just 100 or 200 yen.

      Also got Starbucks in the afternoon. I am now in love with the Strawberries and Creme drink * w*

  • Day [ 10 ] ------ July 15/2006

      It was the weekend, so we went with another one of her cousins to Shibuya because there was a game center ( UFO catchers~~ ) there and he used to be really good at it. Apparently old skills still stick, because he got us both Rilakkuma plushies. :'D

      Then we went to karaoke for an hour, because it's all the rage in Japan apparently. Frej and I sang Barbie Girl, O-zone, and My Humps. XD Her cousin sang Gackt and some other japanese songs. All in all though, it was really fun.

  • Day [ 11 ] ------ July 16/2006

      We went with her cousin again. XD we were supposed to go to the hot springs, but it was way too hot that day. So we just kind of lazed around. He took us to the sea side mall and we ate ramen there.

      I also dragged Frej into a kitty petstore. SO cuteeee. Even the outside was adorable, and the kittens inside were such fluffballs. I was going to buy something for Mia, but they didn't have the flavors she likes. I bought a kitty keychain for myself though. XD

  • Day [ 12 ] ------ July 17/2006

      A revisit to Akihabara. Mainly just because we wanted to go to AsoBitCity again. Last time I bought those luck-of-the-draw cute things, I always got the ones I didn't want. u-u thank goodness our luck changed this time.

      We also stopped by another game center on the way. It even had signs that told you how to get the plushies, which I found to be really nice and useful. But the Gloomy bear we wanted was gotten by a random tourist. He just kept on getting the Gloomies, and Frej was having a fit. XD but in the end he noticed and he helped us get our own Gloomy bears, so we left happy. And I got us little frog thingies too~ skillllls. Total spent getting the plushies: 300 yen. O_O <3

      We stopped by Animate too, but there wasn't anything we really wanted.

  • Day [ 13 ] ------ July 18/2006


      I probably have the most pictures here. Everything in there was just really cute. We left at about noon, and after we got there it started raining, as it had been for the past 3-4 days. : / Frej finally caved and bought an umbrella with my urging, though I didn't go under it often because she would stab me in the eye every time I got close. </3

      We started by going around monorail to subway to Disneyland's bullet train, which was really cute.

      When we arrived, there were lots of Disney characters wandering around. We got a lot of pictures ( well, as many as we could ). We stopped by a few shops, then went to Cinderella's castle, which had really prettywalls. * w* And when it started raining we took cover in a restaurant. It was really gorgeous inside, though the food was terribly expensive.

      Afterwards we went to Pooh's shop, then on Pooh's Hunny Hunt( a ride ) which was really well done, and so fun/cute.
      After that we went to shoot stuff at Tomorrowland. XD it was Buzz Lightyear's thing, but for the life of me I can't remember the name. We went back a second time later, and Frej went on Space Mountain by herself. Me and roller coasters don't mix all that well.

      We also had Mickey Mouse Waffles, and toured Minnie's dream house. We wanted to go to some other places, but they were kids only. ; _; I took a picture of Goofy scarecrow too.

      And the castle is really pretty at nighttime too.

  • Day [ 14 ] ------ July 19/2006

      Today was kind of our second "relax day". We woke up at noon, just lazed around and read books/drew until maybe 4:30 pm, and then walked to Tokyo Tower.

      I didn't actually go up though, since it costs 2200+ yen. The cheapest was 1400, and I honestly didn't feel like paying that much just to go up and get a view.

      Went to "7-11" and bought snacks for the plane trip home. Finished Cowboy Bebop. I didn't realize he died until a few minutes after the show ended. XD

  • Day [ 15 ] ------ July 20/2006

      Plane tripe home was at 4:55 pm, so in the morning we got up and went to Harajuku again. Frej wanted to go to a mall called Laforet that was having a huge sale ( mostly 30-90% off from what I saw ). Came back for sushi, and left around 1 pm. I put band aids on my suitcase to help me recognize it. :3

      We got to LAX in just about 9+hours, which I think is really fast. We even left almost 2 hours late from Narita because of some passenger's problem, but the pilot made up for it.

      Then I said bye to Frej, ran around in a panic to find my flight home, and finally got home around 8 pm. Turns out the lady working at LAX's connecting flights area didn't put my luggage on my flight though. =_= so we had to wait until the next day when they delivered it.

  • Etc.

That's it for now. I think it's a lot to read, but I don't want to forget the experience, and I tend to ramble on anyways. XD

Hope you guys amuse yourself with it, and visit Japan someday. It's a really fun experience.

Good to be back though.

......I crave cookies. ; ;

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Anime Expo 2006
Updated 07/22/06

Basically like the last post, except this time at AX. :0

    >> Saturday---- CLAMP panel. Basically waited in line all day. They were cute and all... but I guess I just didn't really get into it. One of the staff members was convinced I had a camera too, and kept pestering me about it even though I said I didn't have one about 5 times.

    >> Sunday---- Hyde concert. Waited outside in line for 4-5 hours. Burned up like a tunip. Nyo is now about 6 shades darker than when she first left home. *tear* u_u; Concert was pretty fun though I think, 'cept for the rabid fangirls behind me screaming in my ear. Nyo does not do well with loud noises.

    >> Monday---- Just Frej and me this day ( the others we went with her friends too ). I got to do what I normally do, which is just wander around and shop for a bit. Met Jakob and the other admins too~ : 3 though I didn't really meet any other gaians because.. well, I'm shy like that.

    >> Tuesday---- Nothing. XD didn't go the last day. But I did drag Frej out to buy a tablet. ; 3 Hers is now "stitch" and mine is "lilo" ~ I also forgot it was the 4th of July.

Annnnd.. I guess I'll get the pictures soon. XD I didn't take too many, but frej did. I'll leech.

Edit: My pictures. As you can tell, I really didn't take many. xD will update again with Frej's later.

And yes, I have terrible picture-taking skills. : ( my camera hated me that day.

[ x ] The beach we went to. *forgot name*
[ o ] Video of the beach at night.
[ x ] A drawing from Fuyu No Yume
[ o ] A portion of the line for CLAMP panel.
[ x ] Chii + Sumomo
[ o ] Cloud
[ x ] Sora and ???
[ o ] Freaking TALL Vash.
[ x ] Haruko from FLCL <33333
[ o ] Dealers room from the front.

A-kon [ pictures ! ]

Well, I went to A-kon this past weekend ( june 9-11 ) with my friend Sign. It was my first con, and so I thought I might as well record my experiences. I tend to ramble, so forgive me if it's a bit hard to follow or uninteresting. xD;


      This was the day we actually left. We figured we'd go early, take our time and get the long 4-hour drive out of the way, as well as pick up our badges since we pre-registered. At least, it seemed like the smart thing to do.

      Long story short, we got lost ( I-35E =/= EAST. "E"means nothing. ) ended up in the bad side of Dallas, and then saw our hotel but had to go through many routes and whatnot just to get to it. Kind of like those hedges you see in games that you KNOW you can jump easily, but your character refuses to move even though they're god-powerful. " oh noes! a rock is in my path! whatever shall I do? I know! I'll go the LONG way that takes 6 hours and has many dangerous monsters!" Grr @ Dallas roads.

      Finally we get to our hotel but then we don't really know how to get to the Adams Mark Hotel, which is where the actual con is held. After /much/ frustration and my car sickness rising up again, we made it to the Adam's Mark hotel, only to find out that by "being smart" and pre-registering, we had to wait in a longggg line. ( it looped around the con floor 5 times, then trailed into a straight line stretching across the other side of the hotel ).

      Lesson learned--- logic doesn't work.


      We woke up at about 8 am to get off to a bright and early con experience.... with 4 hours of sleep. The roads were still really frustrating and hard to navigate, and we got lost several times. Poor Signy-poo.

      When we got there, the Komic Market was still just setting up, and Dealers Room and Exhibit Hall weren't going to be open for awhile. We browsed around, but all in all we didn't stay in Komic Market/ Artists Alley for a long time. > >; I don't have time to read many online comics anymore and we draw our own art, so the "swag" interested us more.

      We finally got into Exhibit Hall and Dealers Room after yet another two LONG lines. But I did manage to take a few pictures. Dealers' room was an interesting experience, but the money goes quick. XD (List of merchandise bought in the Etc section )

      I was really looking forward to the Kotoko concert at 10 PM that night, so we stayed through. The day wasn't going that great, since we were both short on sleep and therefore easily aggitated, and a lot of the people there weren't helping our mood. Even the concert was slow to start and my feet were aching by the time Kotoko got on stage. But as soon as she started, it all turned better. She put on a really awesome performance, and she has the cutest personality. It's a pity we weren't allowed to take pictures. : (

      We ended up staying almost 17 hours straight at the con on our first day ( with 4 hours of sleep nonetheless ) o_o;

      Lesson learned--- No sleep = irritable spatula queen.


      After Friday night, Saturday was taking a turn for the better. We found out an easier route to follow to get to the con ( Dallas freeways are confusing, but it turns out their local streets are very straightforward. Weird. ) We woke up later, got breakfast at IHOP, and already bought most of the merchandise we wanted.

      We attended cell painting and manga drawing ( lecture ) panels besides visiting the Dealers Room of course. Not... OMGWOWMUSTGOAGAIN stuff, but not terrible either. We only stayed about 6 hours that day.

      Then we went back to the hotel and watched anime. It's a pity I don't have cable at home. u_u;

      Lesson learned--- The highway is not always the best way.


      On the last day, we basically followed the Saturday schedule. Woke up late, went to IHOP, dealers' room, origami workshop, and then left around 3 hours later so we wouldn't be driving back in the dark. : >

      We did see an awesome sign on the way back however. I forget exactly where on the road it was, but the video shows it. Sorry for the crappy camerawork. There was also a really funky car. It looked like it took a lot of work, but it was very unique at least.

      Got home around 7pm.

      I missed my internet so much.

      Lesson learned--- Jesus hates porn



      Bought Swag

        [ o ] Wall scroll ( Haibane )
        [ x ] Kon plushie ( pink dress + flower clip )
        [ o ] Chii figure ( Freya )
        [ x ] Chii figure ( Pink Chii )
        [ o ] Chii keychain ( Elda )
        [ x ] Sumomo keychain ( Chobits )
        [ o ] Menchi cap ( Excel Saga )
        [ x ] Haibane Renmei DVD ( 1 )
        [ o ] Serial Experiments Lain DVD ( 1 )
        [ x ] Neon Genesis Evangelion DVD ( 1 )
        [ o ] Spirited Away DVD
        [ x ] Ah! My goddess manga
        [ o ] Chobits manga # 2
        [ x ] Kyo pin ( Fruits Basket; Kitty form + lemons)
        [ o ] Yuki pin ( Fruits Basket; Mouse form + strawberries )
        [ x ] Marshmallow Kitty expressions poster ( Girly comics; I don't read, just thought it was cute. XD )

        I really wanted some Ouran/Samurai Champloo/ Cowboy Bebop ( only Ed and Ein ) merchandise, but there wasn't any that I liked. : (

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Plans for this summer. : O
Pretend to care for a minute and humor me, please? XD

Mkay, so after Graduation ( this Saturday! @x@ scaryyyy... ), this is pretty much what my summer is going to look like:

  • June 8-11 --- A-kon [ Going with Sign ]
  • June 21-23---- [ PENDING ] NYU orientation? :/ might not be able to make it cuz of...
  • June 28/29 ---- go up to L.A.
  • July 1-4 ---- AX [ Going with Frej ]
  • July 8 ---- Tokyo
  • July 22 ---- back to US of A.
  • August 25--- drive up to NY.
  • August 26--- birthday. Most likely spent all day in a car driving north.
  • August 27--- Move in. Leave home. Panic. Get mugged.

I just realized that list goes from "YAYYFUNN" to "HOMGPANICIMMADIE BOOOOO". D:

But hey, pie!

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