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Sorry if I offend or hurt you in any way. ; u;
I never mean to do that, but i'm as dense as they come so sometimes things don't click that easily.
Again, I'm sorry.

Hey, this is Cerberus_Chaos.
Some of you may know me from my old name Chaoe1234.
I'm still the same person, so no worries.

This is my profile, as you can see, if you can't find any certain info you want then pm me.


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Last Login: 02/10/2022 10:41 am

Registered: 10/04/2007

Occupation: Gate Guardian




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Jounouchi_1 Report | 04/12/2020 4:11 pm
beautiful avatar!
oO_Kanda Yu_Oo Report | 07/21/2016 1:39 pm
He walked with her to his room and entered. It would be a place to avoid prying eyes from the Order-- Mostly Allen.. If he saw him like this..
He would never live it down. He grumbled and sat with her, sitting her beside him. "I'll just wait here until this wears off."
oO_Kanda Yu_Oo Report | 07/21/2016 8:21 am
He gave a sigh and rested his hand on her head. "Komui said he didn't have a fix for this, so we'll have to wait for it to wear off."
He walked, still carrying the kitten-girl. He flattened his own ears in irritation as the order members stared. He would end Komui.
oO_Kanda Yu_Oo Report | 07/21/2016 7:15 am
He glances down at the girl with a small scowl, before sighing. He couldn't be annoyed with her.
With a pause, he leaned down lifting her up and holding her, looking her over.
"Did Komui get you too?"
He flicked her ears, his own tail twitching.
"That man..." He grumbled.
oO_Kanda Yu_Oo Report | 07/10/2016 6:23 am
... -Slides some soba to, before sitting next to and eating his own.-
Daren Hersey Report | 06/18/2016 4:12 pm
-drops her and turns to the side so she ends up kicking his leg-
Daren Hersey Report | 06/18/2016 3:55 pm
-He grins and continues holding onto her-
Ah But Yuuka~ You're nice to hold.
Daren Hersey Report | 06/18/2016 4:26 am
Yuuuukaa~ <3
-Trots over to and lifts up, spinning a bit-
oO_Kanda Yu_Oo Report | 06/15/2016 7:44 am
-Stares blankly down at her before patting her head.-
...Keep up the good work.
oO_Kanda Yu_Oo Report | 06/13/2016 7:14 pm
Oi, Yuuka.


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