Read before judging me
I'm Jessica, but you can call me Jess for short. Every time I try to write an About Me section, I sound extremely n00bish, so bear with me.Name:Jessica/Jess
I play (instruements): Electric Bass, clarinet. Haven't played bass in a while, required to practice clarinet.
I play (sports): Hockey, martial arts (in the summer)
I look like: Medium-short reddish-brown hair, petite features. (See pictures to the side ----> wink
I like: Drawing, people who are good listeners/ good storytellers, food (burgers especially), sleeping, drawing again, playing hockey, watching hockey, watching old cartoons, playing Rock Band/Guitar Hero, The Beatles, Punk people, Punk Bands, artistic people, Random Comments, Random PMs, Random Donations
I don't like: Annoying ppl, preps, rappers, People who are mean to people for no apperent reason.
My art shop: Floating Lillies~ An Art Shoppe
~If you still want to hear more about me, scroll down past the photos.~
Qwesting aviart! 7/25

Make me art?
You're still curious? Jeez you must really have no life. Just kidding, ;p Well, I live in Minnesota, USA, and yes, it is as cold as it's cracked up to be. It's also really, really hot in the summer tho. I love the water and the thing I miss most about the East Coast (I lived there for 4 years) is the ocean. All our lakes just aren't quite the same. I am a self-proclaimed straight-edge punk, and I love life. I like to meet new people so drop me a PM, k? I love lolcats and My life's dream is to be a published manga artist. My friends are awesome, I look forward to school just to see them. I spend my free time at Hockey Practice, on the phone, drawing, doing homework or a mix of the above. If you got questions, just drop me a line!
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Well, I'm that guy, so feel free to re-add me after this really long time.
Would you mind signing a petition to revive the series? Thank you!
Contact me if you want to do more than just sign the petition.
A tip would be wonderful :]
Imma just glad you like it !
Butt I'll scan it the moment mii scanner works :]
Tips Welcome, not nessacary
Thanks for allowing me to draw you heart
Your avi or your profile !
If you're questing avii art,
I can help !
I'll draw you !