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You may refer to me as Reid, Reid Hershel that is.
The very skillful hunter and swordsmen whose techniques were self-taught. I'm a relaxed, carefree type of guy who enjoys the things in life for well... simply as they are.

I was born and raised in the village of Rasheens.
Up till now, I've lived a life here of leisure with only the purpose of continuing to eat, sleep, and live in peace.
However, that all changed when Farah and I met and helped a young girl named Meredy who crash landed on our planet Inferia from Celestia.

From there, our journey began and during our travels we discovered that the Grand Fall, a cataclysmic event and Dark Aurora was threatening to destroying our world! We couldn't just leave things as they were. On a contrary to everything I knew and believed, I grew to understand that some things did require change, and that there was so much more to life than just relaxing.

Check out my other Tales of Eternia cosplay:
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Say Hello | Befriend | Tell A Secret | Give Goods

You may refer to me as Reid, Reid Hershel that is.
The very skillful hunter and swordsmen whose techniques were self-taught.
I'm a relaxed, carefree type of guy who enjoys the things in life for well... simply as they are.

I was born and raised in the village of Rasheens.
Up till now, I've lived a life here of leisure with only the purpose of continuing to eat, sleep, and live in peace.
However, that all changed when Farah and I met and helped a young girl named Meredy who crash landed on our planet Inferia from Celestia.

From there, our journey began and during our travels we discovered that the Grand Fall, a cataclysmic event and Dark Aurora was threatening to destroying our world! We couldn't just leave things as they were. On a contrary to everything I knew and believed, I grew to understand that some things did require change, and that there was so much more to life than just relaxing.

Check out my other Tales of Eternia cosplay:
Captain Chat



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Merudi Report | 01/16/2017 2:33 pm
REID! -gives you huggle-
Illia Animi Report | 08/09/2016 7:26 am
Illia Animi
Pssh! at least I'm doing something with myself.
Sassy Scientist Report | 07/17/2016 5:46 pm
Sassy Scientist
I've been wanting to do something with you for the longest but work has had me held prisoner.
Anyway my vacation is coming up soon so you'll be seeing more of me. Haha!
Kung Fu Farmer Report | 07/16/2016 4:23 pm
Kung Fu Farmer
Do you still want him to do it or not? Or do you have someone else in mind?
Ah. I see. Well. I need to be done but keep spending
gold as usually on cosplays. >_____<
Merudi Report | 07/16/2016 11:45 am
I'll keep on reminding you all the way until I arrive there. Hopefully. ^^
Sassy Scientist Report | 07/15/2016 11:06 am
Sassy Scientist
Omg! It feels like its been ages!
I am truly sorry for not checking up on you often.
I have a bad habit of getting catch up in my work.
Buuuut I'll definitely make it up to you though
by treating you to a five star restaurant.
Merudi Report | 07/14/2016 1:49 pm
Yay! Don't forget to tell the rest of the gang about this ok?
Illia Animi Report | 07/11/2016 9:27 am
Illia Animi
Well. I have set goals.
Merudi Report | 07/07/2016 5:53 am
*she laughed*
When shall we do it?
Merudi Report | 07/03/2016 11:28 pm
Yes. We really should!
We should have a big fest and play lots of fun games.




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