
Last words
he grabbed my hand
and said good-bye
because he knew
he was about to die
as he walked away
my soul felt cold
fighting the tears
i followed him into battle
knowing this would change my life
they took control
of his body
and he begged for me to kill him
so i could save my self
my blade peiced his heart
and my eyes filled with tears
his heart stopped
and his eyes were cold
as he wispered his final words
I love you
i dropped my sword
and soon realised it was a fatal mistake
i saw a blade comming for me
and then i too was dead
my final words were
I love you too

i hope you liked my poem, it is copyright (just ta let ya know razz )

17/09/07-well what do you think of my profile? i hope you like it, and i will be tweeking it a bit, as you can see its not done.... yet razz
hey well today im just kinda board cuz its before school *throws can of paint at school* much better xd
anyways feel free to comment, no flames.
now ive had a couple questions of why this song and profile?
well hinata is someone people should try to be like, she doesn't give up, even when she is facing death.
and the song, i think it fits hinata well, and fits me somewhat, im not going through physical pain, but worse.... mental pain, and the pain of a broken heart.
so now you know.




Viewing 9 of 9 comments.


Report | 05/15/2009 9:32 pm


ruikia chan

Report | 02/17/2009 2:25 pm


hi my names john lovely im a big fan of naruto and am not in the rain but hinantai is asome comet back if you whant

Report | 01/19/2009 1:35 pm


n2m just chillin!


Report | 11/08/2007 4:01 pm


Who Is GhostFace

Report | 11/08/2007 5:57 am

Who Is GhostFace

hi remember me

Report | 10/27/2007 9:36 am


Thanks for shopping at my shop! User Image

Report | 10/24/2007 9:27 pm


hi how r u?
T3xtual Harassm3nt

Report | 09/17/2007 7:25 pm

T3xtual Harassm3nt

love your profile! it is totally awsome, too bad i couldn't recomend it, someone else did....

Report | 08/20/2007 9:51 am


Your welcome.

I liked the pictures.

By the way the song was awesome.

I have a youtube also:


Not really worth looking at.

Due to the fact that I don't have any videos.

But any ways, keep making good videos.

~till the nex time we talk, EmotionlessHinata


"Some things can be forgotton like letters written in the sand, but some things we must never forget, like words carved into stone..." -Polka from Eternal Sonata