For your information, I am most totally worth your time. In fact, I may go as far as to say nothing is more important than hearing what I have to say. In truth I am what some may call "Truly Awesome," and to a certain extent "Groovey".
But alas, for I have hit a low point in my career, and it doth smart. Few have come to recognize my greatness, and often those who do fade away with the time.
Therefore; I vow to take the time to spread my awesomeness like a giant pizza so that a new generation can bask in my dough of greatness!
True, I am currently in a rather boasting mood, but this too shall pass. Certainly later I will become once more an introverted depressing pile of poo. My only hope is that I will have made people happy, so that when I do return to such a low state I will have people there to help me return to the awesomeness that is Me.
That's what friends are for.
Random ramblings: The topic or post you requested does not exist, it never did exist, it never will exist.
Sorry, did I say something wrong? Pardon me for breathing, which I never do anyway so I don't know why I bother to say it, oh God I'm so depressed.

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