Lady Forbidden

Lady Forbidden's avatar

Last Login: 09/21/2022 5:14 am

Registered: 07/31/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Darlington

Birthday: 08/23


Me, Myself & I

♥ Welcome ♥

I am a mom, Animal Guardian, Netflix Binger & addicted to Chinese food

My Questing

Lady Forbidden


♥ Currently Questing ♥

♥ Masterpieces ♥ Love Wins Mood Bubble ♥ Superior Form ♥ Angelic Camisole ♥ Staff of the Angels ♥ Mini Nitemare Wings ♥ Dark Jubilee ♥ Prism Adorkable Bea ♥ After all this time?
Rainbow Laurels ♥ CYMK Brushstroke ♥ Princess of the Rainbow ♥ Zombie's Wicked Flowing Hair ♥ Seven Vivid Kisses ♥ CMYK Gloom and Doom ♥ Jubilant Flight ♥ Rainbow Social ♥ Sorcerous School Bags ♥Angelic Scarf ♥ Fuzzy Penguin Slippers ♥ Shades of Grey Bundle ♥ Raven Noir ♥ Gray Body Dye ♥ Golden Laurels ♥ Dark Cloud ♥ CloudDemonic AnkletsDemonic PendantDark HaloDemonic PitchforkKottan BellWinged AnkletsKanoko's TormentCoCo Kitty Plushie

♥ Side Quests ♥

♥ Gramster ♥ Inks ♥ Sparky the Terrier ♥ Rascal the Alley Cat ♥ Fufu the Bunny ♥

Items I Have Donated

♥Ancient Katana ♥ Maker of Pumpkin Pies ♥ Seraphique Messenger Bag ♥ Faust's Curse ♥ Sims Dino Plush ♥ Gold ♥