Viewing gamingmangafreak's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


I am an obsessed gamer{as you can tell}
so if you don't like it, go suck on some oranges
is what I aim for ;D
I am the most random person you willl ever meet
unless you never meet me {personally}

I am absolutely in love with Anime and manga
I don't care what other people say about me
whether I am wierd or a nerd
I am who I am and I like it

I am also in love with books
never met someone like me have you?
randomness, games, anime w/ manga, and books all in one
hehe I don't care as long the book is good
it could be a chick book and I wouldn't care
I love suspense, I love it when they{authors} make you wait
for whats going to happen

If you ever find me commenting you on the arenas don't get mad
I judge fairly and precise, no prejudice either
my scoring is as follows:
5% to display
5% to description
and I give 1st entries an extra point

If you decide to befriend me
send me a message telling me the reason why
I hate it when people add for fun
and if you do add me you must message me often
not every other month

that is all for now
ever need any help don't mind to ask
and I am a recent Gaian not a long-time one


Viewing 7 of 7 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/19/2010 4:16 pm


You're fine. I had to take a break.

Report | 11/28/2008 9:47 am


I know. I headed to the Null crystal to get the area and complete my quest. Then I tried battling drums, and headed back ti the ranch, where I got killed by Garlics. Now my bro's getiing on.

Report | 08/01/2008 11:22 am


Dylan. o___o

You're a Bartonian?!



*ish mad at chu*



Report | 07/29/2008 2:01 pm


Well all that experience must of made you color blind because it is dark blonde!
Asian bringing K-os

Report | 07/24/2008 10:03 am

Asian bringing K-os

Thanks man i really appreciate it... and cyas next week! Bring me the story so i can enjois!

Report | 07/23/2008 9:56 am


ITS BLONDE! I Think I know what Blonde is, I've had it for all of my life....Well other for the purple and stuff....Its ash blonde, and your a guy, you dont know hair colors!

Report | 07/20/2008 1:10 pm


Oh Cool, then we are like "Around the same time starters of Gaia twins!" O.O we might even be able to finish each others sentences!

Well Good Job on getting him started but i dont know why he would become obsessed with it when he knows im on unless he's trying to impress me with him buying a bunch of expensive stuff for his avatar and putting soup on his head....The last part does impress me though... So you say your obsessed with this game? Do you have the Gaia underwear yet? O.O I got to get me a pair of those.
Asian bringing K-os

Report | 07/18/2008 6:14 pm

Asian bringing K-os

Dude CSI is sooo scary! I was Seriously Freaked after watchin that! Durin the trial they tried to convict Marlon but he was aquited cause he was too stupid so next they were gonna try Hannah but that was all part of her plan cause she was just covering up for Marlon and she wanted to go to jail cause she could get out in about five years then move to Nebraska cause they dont have a certain law (Son of Sam) and she can write a book about being a freak and get millions.... O.O Great Show!

Report | 07/17/2008 7:34 pm


Cool. I think I might send in some stories then. xD

Report | 07/17/2008 7:53 am


no. lol. what's up?


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