Wine and I

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Location: Gainesville, Florida - Go Gators!

Birthday: 11/23

Occupation: Student - Major in Digital Media.


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Hello everyone.
I major in Digital Media (Art and Tech), and hope to have a career in time based or illustrative medias in the future. Currently, I'm in my 3rd year of college and am looking for an internship somewhere. I love working digitally, or with paints, beads, fabrics, and small objects.
ATM I am trying to master After Effects, but it will probably take a while. As of now, I can only make sparkly text animations with the program. Someone help me! D:

I also am a chiptunes and Fm synth enthusiast. : D


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The Omnitrix King Report | 11/23/2014 1:43 pm
I heard it's your birthday...

The Omnitrix King Report | 11/21/2014 12:46 am
it's fine

All the forest that will be lost, how sad. I got confused and thought Olympics is in Russia, thats Fifa rofl They just want to destroy they country, it's sick. neutral
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, that wow. Idk what to say to that rofl A comment said they were banned apparently. I sure hope, that s**t is annoying. I hadn't heard of that thing.

I don't think there will be a shortage of brainless people to keep this site alive. There will always be someone. rolleyes Intellectual, yes that's one way of putting it rofl It's like...everyone is just awful there, but it brings me joy aahahahah I like 2 b stoopet cry O did you hear about Tentacl? If you didn't, it was Gaia's like 18+ site that was like terrible. Was a lot of porn, n***s. It was bad, it's closing Dec. 1st because there aren't enough people on it!

OK! Have fun. Sleep well if you don't make it back 2me, i will be here waitin for u. eatin pineapple
The Omnitrix King Report | 11/21/2014 12:20 am
gj on double comment smile
The Omnitrix King Report | 11/21/2014 12:20 am
Ughh that thought makes me sad, there's no reason to do such things. Humans are stupid. cry

I never really liked sports, I didn't understand them. I understand soccer and baseball (kinda,) but nothing else. I'm #Fake. Futbollllllllllll is okay to me now. What is Vuvuzela? eek

CB is my home now rofl I just make really bad topics, as you can tell. And I get giggles from other people! GCD is ughhh I avoid it. But those brainless people that waste their money on here are everywhere!
The Omnitrix King Report | 11/21/2014 12:07 am
You're too smart for that! Stawp et! You are a beautiful flower that must be untainted. cry

#Brazil was good, I actually watched some of the matches and I don't like soccer very much.

I cyber on der 2 keep me occupied while I wait for you, ofc! I can't stop, it brings me joy. I can't stop laughing today. The stupidest things have been making me laugh.

Ya, it was removed maybe month ago. It was originally down for maintenance, and then they said it was like super broken and they couldn't fix it and wouldn't be bringing it back. #bullshit. Yeah, there's nothing to do on here but posts stupid CB threads XD
The Omnitrix King Report | 11/20/2014 11:48 pm
How dare you? I'm not hipster cry So, you used to drink and nao you don't?!!?!? Move to Brazil #RainForest!

Ooooooooom I feel like I saw you a few weeks ago, too. I stopped spending money on here when I was banned for like two week for posting sexual things rofl #Hypocrites! I don't know why I still come on here, it's a habit now. sweatdrop zOMG! is now removed for good, in case you didn't know!
The Omnitrix King Report | 11/20/2014 11:22 pm
Are you an artsy hipster chan? Do you smoke glade plug-ins? DON'T LIE TO ME! I think we've discussed alcohol in the past.

Ahhh the weather sounds like ours. Cold, cloudy and rainy. Move to the south!!!!!!!!!! Come visit me, I keep you warm! dramallama Too many "GEO," it's hard to know. #Basic, get to studying! my hands r freeeezin

The Omnitrix King Report | 11/20/2014 11:03 pm
Wine is sexy. It makes me feel good. redface I'm not talking about the drink! I don't drink alkahol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is gross

Oh wow rofl I didn't know it got that cold in Florida, unless you moved from there :O It's been in the 30's lately. Not so bad, it's gonna be like 50's for the rest of the week, I think. Why is it retarded? Geo = Geography? Geology? Geometry? rofl
The Omnitrix King Report | 11/20/2014 10:44 pm
I will die with a wine bottle next to me. cry love me

Gurl, it don't get cold in Florida. :/ Bet cold for you is like 70 degrees. What test is it?! espaƱol?!
The Omnitrix King Report | 11/20/2014 10:36 pm
I'll wait forever, with wine.

I'm cold, but okay. and you?

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