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Zihark Faroda

Zihark Faroda's avatar

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The Bottom Line

I'm a writer, plain and simple. My imagination is the biggest, and perhaps craziest, one you'll ever find, and creativy just flows from my mind. I can write anything with even just the littlest of direction, and I've yet to find a person who hates my writing.

You can check out some of my writing for yourself by clicking on my website. Right now I'm mostly on a Legend of Zelda kick, but others may come. I also have plenty of original stuff which I someday hope to publish.


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Yeah Whatever

Happy SK. I saw your subtle little hint in your 100 questions. Don't know how long I'll keep it, so enjoy while it lasts

The New Power, Wisdom, and Courage

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Rude Report | 02/03/2013 10:38 am
Sorry, I got way too frustrated after my bad connection made me skip a turn, ruining any chance of me making a stance.
gg though.
Gavyn the Mighty Report | 01/03/2013 2:31 pm
Gavyn the Mighty
Card Statistics and Details - Compiled
Card Averages: Faction, Mana Cost and Type. & Fun Facts
HoC Forfeit System Revision Proposal

Good game, Mate.

Guys, seriously... if there is a thread or a post around here that you don't like... leave it be. Spreading hate and trolling people has no place in this community. Certain people may have been in the wrong, but when you troll or hate on them you get in the wrong too. Don't prolong it or add to it; let it go. If it is blatant trolling, a misplaced thread or anything that violates the ToS, report it and move along. Don't feed the trolls and don't add to the hatred. This is a nice, clean and happy community. Please, don't dirty it.

I am Gavyn the Mighty and I approve of this message.
luhft Report | 12/25/2012 7:01 pm
Good game. I knew I was going to lose, but I sure managed to stall for a long time! That may be the most successful pins I've ever had in a battle. xd
azphyxxxiate Report | 12/25/2012 2:12 pm
those grazes @_@
Nia Phoenix Report | 07/25/2012 2:44 pm
Nia Phoenix
Hey Star Wars fan! I belong to a Star Wars Guild that's just getting started. Interested? Check my profile, click on my awesome Je'daii signature and check us out!
OnionKingForever Report | 07/10/2011 7:46 pm
interesting i'd like to read some of your writing sometime. good luck in fishing smile
Toast Master 3000 Report | 07/06/2011 8:57 pm
Toast Master 3000
Were fighting for 8th place in Bass'ken Fishing. blaugh
Good luck man!
Ceara Draginving Report | 06/27/2011 1:32 pm
Ceara Draginving
thanks i like it too.
Ceara Draginving Report | 06/23/2011 3:54 pm
Ceara Draginving
ahh that's what that was about
Ceara Draginving Report | 06/23/2011 10:09 am
Ceara Draginving
what are you talking about if you still remember that is.


"So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause." - Senator Padme Amidala


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