
hannahzillaa_'s avatar

Last Login: 06/14/2009 12:30 pm

Registered: 07/03/2007

Gender: Female


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H A N N A H ; ;
[You'll be screaming it later.]

Blue eyes; blond hair.
5'2 & not growing anytime soon.

Technically single,
but my heart was taken 6.6.09
by Evan Matthew Buhman <3
& our situation is a bit complicated.

I get into way too much trouble.
I try to be as chill as possible,
but I am the jealous, ignorant type,
so excuse me for being human.
I try to be a good person,
but that's kind of hard sometimes.
Yeah, I'm openly religious.
If you don't like that,
then don't talk to me. It's that simple.
I pretty much never get on here,
so if I actually know you,
(as in real life; no creepers 0.o)
add my MySpace;;
Or my Bebo;;

For obvious reasons, I believe in gay marriage.

WHOA. You were soo just hacked by Lexi!


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Hannah Horror's poems.

Pretty much mostly poetry that I write when I'm bored.


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emilyyyiscool Report | 05/22/2009 9:37 am
hey hannah its emily whats up
Eight-Letters-Late Report | 03/16/2009 4:55 pm
The Hot Topic one is gonna be fun 'cause its my bday!
Eight-Letters-Late Report | 03/14/2009 1:11 pm
Are you going to the twilight party at hot topic?
CookiiMo Report | 03/14/2009 12:55 pm
Thx 4 buying!! mrgreen
xXPancake-At-The-DiscoXx Report | 01/31/2009 8:38 am
Oh Yeah.

Now they're going out.

And I had Kyannah text him and be like: Are you going out with Malia?

And he was like: Yeah why?

And She said: Lexi said you might and we were wondering. Btw Lexi doesn't hate Malia, She just didn't think you should go out with her.

And he was all like: I don't care what Lexi thinks. She's a jerk

And I'm just like How am I the jerk? HE'S the one That said he doesn't wanna be friends anymore! He said he hated me, only cause he didn't believe me.

And Kyannah said: wow that's mean. Lexi doesn't care about the whole Malia problem. She just wants to be your friend again.

And Chris is all: Too bad. I don't care Lexi's a jerk and is always talking crap *Yeah whatever. The only thing that's crap is Malia's face xD* about Malia!

And I'm just like: TELL HIM TO FORGET IT. I don't even wanna try. Nothing I do or say will change his mind. He's gonna hate me until Malia dumps him. Or even after that.

So yeah....
xXPancake-At-The-DiscoXx Report | 01/30/2009 7:54 am
Btw I cried during music BEFORE I talked to anyone, just cause I was feeling alone.

Juss so you know. The story didn't make sense without that lol.
xXPancake-At-The-DiscoXx Report | 01/30/2009 7:53 am
Fershure dude!!

MY throat burns from crying so hard on wednesday.

Chris HATES me because I don't like Malia, and he likes her!!!

WTF right?

And I told him that she drinks and he doesn't believe me. And he's pissed and thinks I'm lying because I'm jealous. Which I am jealous... But not lying, and not because I am.

He asked me STRAIGHT UP why I personally didn't like her. I never said it to make him not like her. I gave him my opinion.

And to top it off, I was ALL ALONE on Wednesday. I sat alone, Chris sat with Malia. And I didn't play the game. Cause again, Chris ABSOLUTELY DID NOTTTTT wanna be on my team. Just to be a jerk. And This was before he was mad at me. And all I really needed was a friend, cause Luke kept staring at me. Dude. He's such a liar. He said he dumped me cause his parents, but I KNEW he was lying. And it was for another girl. Then during the sermon, I talked to Megan cause she was sitting with Luke and I think he likes her But I don't care cause I know she doesn't like him AND he has no chance cause she's 18. HAHA. But anyways yeah I talked to her and she said he was talking about some girl. Before the sermon during music I went to the bathroom and cried. User Image But Then I came back in and Megan pulled me right back out to talk. Everyone knew I was crying cause stupid John Sutherland saw me in the kitchen. But whatever, I had a sucky day. I AM NOT going next week.
xXPancake-At-The-DiscoXx Report | 01/29/2009 8:31 am

I'm amazinggg.
xXPancake-At-The-DiscoXx Report | 01/08/2009 8:31 pm

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xXPancake-At-The-DiscoXx Report | 12/13/2008 11:22 pm
heyy heyy! I'm at ally's so... no church unless you get a ride... sorry bout that. User Image

Love ya, and sorry. come to small groups though!!


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