im 13 years old. i love animals.....i have 4 dogs 1 cat 7 chickens(sisters) and 1 turtle. i like dogs way better well because they can use their puppy eyes to change ur mind.....k my oldest dog is buddy(jack russel terrier) as we also call him satins dog cause he is evil and bites ppl.....he has problems. k then the second oldest tinkerbell(jack russel mixed with chihuahua) she is a nice but very wimpy dog cause she wont even let ppl she doesnt know 5 feet away from her. then 3rd oldest my dog cocoa(miniature pinscher mixed with chihuahua and she is the coolest and nicest dog we have. the youngest is sidney(blue heeler)she is my sisters dog and she follows u everywhere and she is olny 8 weeks old and she kknows her name and is very smart but like to chew on ur finger ow. when i can ill post pictures of them =D[/C

roses are red violets are blue........most peoms rhyme......but this one doesnt.......LOL =D
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popping in to say Hi but I said Hello instead. Ah What ever. My greetings.