
My name… is Pika Tsuki, and I am a lonely creature who takes shelter in the night. I’m half vampire, half elf. I am able to go out into the sun, due to the elf in my blood. Yet I must consume the blood of others to quench my savage thirst, lest I become more bestial than a wolf who hasn’t eaten in a month. Some fear me for my dangerousness, other’s adore me for my “bravery”. Ha, bravery. They haven’t given me a chance to show how brave or cowardice I truly am, and thus I do not even know myself.

My mother was the queen of the Elves. Many idolized her for her beauty and her kindness. Her husband died of a foul and rare disease that the Elves do not yet know how to cure. It seems to suck away at the victims life, and it doesn’t seem to be contagious. Shortly after his woeful death, my mother was mourning in the forest. A vampire mysteriously come out of the night, and instead of attacking her, lifted her chin up and kissed her gently on the lips. She instantly fell in love. It wasn’t long before they were married. Everyone was in disagreement about the marriage. Some thought that an outside kind should not rule the Elves. Others thought that it was a great way to become allies with the Vampires.

I was born at midnight under a full moon. My mother told me that they named me Pika Tsuki (Sparkling Moon) because I was as pale as the moon and my eyes seemed to sparkle in it’s rays. I was born with the characteristics of both races. I have the white hair of the Elves (Elves are the only race to naturally get this color of hair at birth, though it is not their only color) and their pointed ears (though mine are barely noticeable, probably from the vampire in me). I have the fangs of the Vampires (but smaller than the average fang length) and their heightened senses. Both races are known for their pale skin.

I drink blood, as well as eat food. In all honestly, I prefer to eat food. Living with only Elves, not including my father, made me feel more of an outsider, even though many willingly gave theirs to me. Some even considered it to be an honor. My mother and my father made sure I had at least a little bit everyday, even though I could go up to week without drinking. Parents… always being so cautious.

On the night of my seventeenth birthday, I awoke only to be in the secret compartment concealed underneath my bed. I’m claustrophobic and had never been in there before, so when I woke up, I panicked. Eventually, I busted the door open and crawled my way out. The first thing that my hand met was something thick and sticky. I knew this smell very well - blood. And I knew who’s blood too… my father’s. My hands groped further, and they fell upon something hard and cold. I peeked my head out, and there it was. My father’s lunar scythe. His unique treasure that he always cherished, and that I always loved. Attached to it was a note that read:

My Dear Daughter,
I hope that no one has found you, or else all is lost.
A strange and unknown enemy has attacked our kingdom.
I hid you as quickly as possible.
I do not believe that I will survive this battle.
I was planning on giving this to you the day you got married and became queen, but the time to give this to you is now.
I will protect and serve you well.

I love you and I'm sorry.

Outside, everyone was slain. Not a single living being. I searched until the beginning of dawn for the bodies of my parents, but I found none. I will hunt down this enemy and destroy them, or die trying.


Viewing 12 of 44 friends


Pika Tsuki's Journal

The real me, avatar art, and story line for my OC/avatar.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/30/2011 3:26 am


Violets In The Rain

Report | 04/08/2011 3:17 pm

Violets In The Rain

Hi there, I sometimes see your username appear on my vistors list, just wanted to say congrats on the arrival of your little one (:

Report | 04/01/2011 6:20 pm


Happy Birthday!! heart
Salty Candy

Report | 01/15/2011 8:42 pm

Salty Candy

Aww Aurora is such a pretty name, wish I could name a daughter like that :3
Polka Dot Pixi

Report | 12/17/2010 2:43 am

Polka Dot Pixi

Random comment, SMILE
Polka Dot Pixi

Report | 12/10/2010 1:16 am

Polka Dot Pixi

was randomly clicking on profiles & saw all the comments about you being "prego" hehe
made me tell me husband "hey! guess what... my eggo... is preggo."
LOL he called me a nerd.

Report | 11/21/2010 11:55 am


awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww heart

Report | 11/19/2010 3:46 pm


like how long have you been pregnant?

Report | 11/19/2010 2:35 pm


OMG your prego!!!! how long are you in? and me to!!! i go to penn state wink what about you?

Report | 11/19/2010 10:32 am


Hey, how have you been?