Name's Maniac. I live in Texas, but my mind is elsewhere. I read almost anything I get my hands on; when ever I can find the time. I'm really into music: Lady Gaga, Breaking Benjamin, The Used, Spashdown, Bjork, Linkin Park, Vampire Weekend, Gorillaz, Imogen Heap, Goldfrap, Evanecence, Ratatat, Paramore, The Forces of Evil (gotta love their trumpets!!), Cake (More trumpets!), Hot Hot Heat, and musicals (like the Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, Jekyll and Hyde, Suessical, and Avenue Q). Oh, and I've just found this new band that I absolutely adore: Elizabeth and the Catapult. I don't listen to rap, or most country (country can be good, just not something I want to listen to all the time). I also listen to some classical music, and play the flute. I'm a big sucker for magic, in fact when I was a kid I thought I was a Changeling (a fairy baby switched with a human). I love role playing, but tend to only role play during the summer, now that school and activities busy every time school starts again. I'm normally on in the mornings or at nights, if you want to catch me, when I don't have anything else to do.
Let's see what else can I say, since, I haven't really told you much. I'm in my teens (no numbers needed), and I go to a magnet school downtown called H.S.P.V.A. , and I'm in their vocal department. Okay, now what else... Oh, I'm a blonde. You would never have guessed, would you? Well, maybe if you knew me
really well. Um...what else. Oh, I know! I hate chat speak, to the deep depths of Earth's core (in case you didn't know that's 3975 miles), so if you use it with me don't expect an answer though you probably wouldn't have read this far, either, to know that...
My friends (a lot of whom are tall) call me short. I very sensitive about this, so DON"T CALL ME SHORT! As a result of my shortness, and people mistaking me for my mother, my ultimate goal in life has become: to be taller then my mother!
I have a problem with laughing. I get laugh attacks, though they're (somewhat) easier to control now. I found out not too long ago that's it's actually a family trait (my cousin has it too). That's why I'm Maniac_on_the_Floor, I laugh so hard I slide down onto the floor, and turn red.
A special message for all the idiots out there:
DO NOT POST CHAIN COMMENTS ON MY PROFILE! I find them highly annoying...
Check out the video, it's Defying Gravity for Wicked, one of my favorite musicals! To bad, this profile doesn't have a STINKING MEDIA!!!! Though, I love my profile anyway...Sorry profile. *pats lovingly*
Tales of Lady Lightning Strom
The Tales Of Lady Lightning Strom
Short fantasy tales of Lady Lightning Strom and her Storm Fey. Their adventers and encounters with people on Earth and with the Lady's own people across the universe.
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