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Sidnay's Journal V.2.0. Now with LESS Hypocracy!

I may write here occasionally. Every time I walk out the door I run the risk of being me... Take your logic elsewhere, Fascist!


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Pancake_Massacre Report | 05/19/2010 10:16 pm
Thx 4 Buying! ! !
Kazzoh Report | 04/17/2010 11:28 am
Attention Sid... Where the ******** ya been!? D:<
Vintage Baby Deer Report | 03/18/2010 10:18 pm
I had to highlight your whole profile to find the comment box, because I just hadd to say, "Oh really, cool". How old will you be? Oh wait, I inadvertently read that you're 22, so I'm guessing you'll be 23. Happy early birthday.
Hakuryuu-Kokuryuu Report | 03/16/2010 7:51 pm
I see only human beings.

Most of them are silly.

You don't know me, but I just wanted to let you know you're my hero for saying that ^.^
sickdevotion Report | 03/12/2010 2:04 pm
While your profile is nigh impossible to read, I like the background. :3
Has A Cunning Plan Report | 02/22/2010 3:32 pm
Your avatar is seriously amazing. I am very impressed. o.O
G-Rod93 Report | 02/12/2010 1:27 pm
How do u sale Rings on the market it doesn't let me?
QueenLoser Report | 01/25/2010 5:59 pm
<3 I miss you.
Ze Pocky Thief Report | 11/22/2009 5:22 pm
Thank you for your purchase. :]
Talented Azz Report | 08/07/2009 10:06 am
I am helping to recruit for a new guild. The guild is called Little Shop of Forums. This guild is for those who would like to buy subforums to help promote a thread or a shop, a roleplay or just anything you would want. And it is guaranteed visitors since everyone in the guild will see it. No more competing with others to keep your thread on Gaia's Main Forum page. If interested, the banner to the guild is below.

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Now, I am not a comment whore; I merely wish to point out, that I have a profile, and within that profile, there is ample room for comments. Visitors


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Sidnay's avatar

Last Login: 09/19/2012 6:27 pm

Registered: 07/03/2004

Gender: Male

Location: Ontario, Canada

Birthday: 03/30/1987

Occupation: Student of History and Classics


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Here is everything you could concievably want to know about Sidnay...

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"Sic transit gloria mundi"

Yeah... I won't lie to you. I'm 22. I guess that makes me creepy. You know those people who are like 'lol, I'm sucha nerd.' but really are just cool kids trying to be cool? I am not like that. I actually AM a nerd, something which I wish were not so...

1) Name: Cid, El Cid, Sid.
2) Location: *INSERT QUIPPY REMARK HERE!*. Seriously though, I live somewhere in Canada *yes... that should be sufficiently vague*. I am just retuerned from a year of study in Germany. North America sucks..
3) Gender/sexual orientation/marital status: Male, and indifferent
4) Job: Fourth year university. I am a student of Classics (thats Greece, Rome and ancient history to you barbaroi) and have a minor in German.
5) Hobbies: writing/listening to music, daydreaming, surrealist philosophy, ancient history (Thus the further education in it), languages, steampunk, WWI Aviation. I friggin' love WWI aviation.
Age: 21.

Bands: the Smashing Pumpkins, Amanda Palmer, Weezer, John Lee Hooker
Movie: Kingdom of Heaven
Foods: Greek, Czech, Sushi and German.
Drink: APFELSCHORLE MUHFUHKAZ. Don't know what that is? Look it up.

Well, as I say, I spend much of my time listening to music. I am one of those rare people who, when they say 'I listen to everything' actually mean that they have 10000 songs on their computer. I play guitar, and it is something of my passion.
I speak English (as my first language), am becoming fluent in German (but I'm not there yet), and have a knowledge of Latin (or at least, whatever 'Wheelock's Latin' taught us in class). I want to learn Hungarian (my ancestors), however the next language I must learn is Ancient Greek (because the other classicists are bullies and mock me in Greek :'( ) I am ethnically Transylvania Magyar (Hungarian), Scottish/Irish and English. In fact, I can trace my ancestors back to the original 13 Colonies (word). I find this all interesting, though you probably don't care.
I am a nerd of the worst sort: this is evidenced in my presence on Gaia, despite my advanced age. Occasionally I even like to RP. Please don't mock me...
I listen to music, and at times I like to delude myself with the notion that I can write songs and music.
I have a soft spot for Punk musics...
I am perfectly normal: everyone else is insane. If you want to ask me about anything, I am open to PM's. You probably won't like me at first. But I am like a fire. OR a fungus. OR a nasty disease: I catch easily, and I'll grow on you.
I have the dreams and aspirations of a young man, but my problem is that they are the dreams and aspirations of a young man from the early twentieth century...

I have a strong suspicion that mocking another persons likes, beliefs or ideology makes you, as we say in Latin, a 'douchebag' (thats me being witty).

As pretentious or egotistical or whatever acronym, or adjective you can think of that you think this will make me, it doesn't matter: I should make it known:

What I believe in;

I believe absolutely in God. If you are a person who thinks that this automatically makes me a bigot, hater of homosexuals/jews/muslims/anyone, or that I will force this upon you, than very politely, ******** you smile

I believe in the power of Spoken Word. In short, I believe in Hip Hop.
I believe in the power of music to change peoples minds. I believe that ideas change the world and are the driving force behind history (personal conviction).

I believe that ignorance is not bliss, and that all freedom lies within. Everything else is just propaganda.

I believe in Alternative History, because hindsight is always 20/20, and we think that makes it pre-determined. I believe life is Water and not Stone.

I believe that humans are neither inherently good nor evil: we are capable of both, but we are inherently blind to the cycle.

I believe that non-violence is the highest manifestation of courage and warrior ideology.

I believe that our ancestors need not have died in vain, and that our world is as we make it. Life can be Beautiful or it can be Repulsive: I know which God would rather have us perceive.

I believe Ignorance inevitably must give way to Wisdom. Someday...

I believe in living together, not out of religious duties or fear, but life itself is enough.

I believe religion has been used to justify the most horrible excesses of evil. Politics is smoke and mirage, lie and deceit: it means nothing in the end. Remove religion from politics, and you get nothing: Remove politics from religion and you have a framework for universal brotherhood.

I believe that power corrupts, and that judgment is best left to God. Being a good human being precedes any duty to a government.

"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. The materialism of affluent Christian countries appears to contradict the claims of Jesus Christ that says it's not possible to worship both Mammon and God at the same time." Mohandas K. Gandhi

"Those who know everything, but are lacking in themselves, are utterly lacking." Jesus Christ (the Gospel of Thomas)

"The way Up and the way Down are one and the same" Heraclitus of Ephesus

"We cannot step into the same river twice, for in the same way that the River is continually flowing, we are always changing." Heraclitus of Ephesus

"The Kingdom of Heaven is within you and all around you." Jesus Christ. A sentiment fundamentally taught by the Buddha.

"It is to a man's honor to avoid strife,
but every fool is quick to quarrel"
Proverbs 20, verse 3

“You can safely assume you have created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates the same people you do.” Anne Lamott

Sir Sidnay Buxom-Stanley's Gallery of Fine Art:
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