
War_Clash's avatar

Last Login: 06/07/2009 12:05 pm

Registered: 05/13/2007

Gender: Male

my dream avi



Hey if u dont know me yet my name is henry........
Oh and no ladies I am single :3
I am a lover not a fighter maybe both
my hobies are I like to draw anime and I am very good at it too maybe one day I will find out how to put it in the art gallery on gaia........and I am not the tallest guy at 14 years old I am only 5 foot 3...also I love skate boarding it gets me active and a work out....and I love DC it is the best in the whole wide world smile (:
And anime is the best if there wasnt anime then whats to live for. Oh yah thats right nothing!! xD......But on the other hand I love sports my whole life is around it. Oh yeah and I forgot to mention that if any of u gamers are out there I WILL PWN U!!!!! IN HALO 3 ONLINE XBOX 360!!!! THATS RIGHT PWN!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!.......and if u want to prove me wrong my gamertag is (((<<>>))) so i got two words for all yall gamers.......BRING IT!!!!!
Yeah I love the colors black, light blue, and white, and platinum cause all those colors are best and if anyone loves pink, purple, yellow, or anywhere near those colors are GAY!!!!!!
And now to end this on a happy not razz smile
Thx for viewing my profile pce out...................


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I Blazer-kun I Report | 07/24/2008 6:20 am

...woops....srry about that ^^;;; lol i cant believe your finally back lol anyway....no offence but you look a bit noobish...but hey you quit for almost a year so....yea i guess thats to be expected lol and as you can see....ive become a rich son of a b***h XD anyway peace man see ya in a couple of days

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I Blazer-kun I

Death is always an option but if you surrender your good as dead