PL:Hejka wszystkim polakom. wink
Jestem Ania.
Urodziłam się 20.05.1994r w Łodzi. wink
Wiem, musiałąm troche sfałszować w rejestracji, żeby tutaj się znależć.
Moim hobby są zwierzęta, manga i anime ( wiadomo >.> ), oraz muzyka.
Moją ulubioną piosenkarką jest Nelly Furtado.
Ulubionym anime: Wolf's rain :* i Tokyo Mew Mew.
Ulubiony szkolny przedmiot: Przyroda ( no a niby co?? xD )
Moje psiapsiółki: Kasia :*, Pałcia :*, Misiaczka :* i 2 Pałcia :*
Przyjaciele/ qmple: Klimuś wink , Piterek wink , Forcyś wink i Radzio wink
Wrogowie >X : Wielkie Trio( Lidka, Sylwka, Agata ) >[, Krowa bez wymion ( Angelika ), Krowa z wymionami( Beata ), Prosie niedorozwinięte( Dynar ) itp.
Ulubiony zwierzaczek: Wilk, Tygrysek :*, Koteczek, Pieseczek :* i... koleżanki z klasy xD
Ulubieńcy z forum o club penguin: LoriAngel, Elyon, Chetah, Pingu Lily, Elosik i inni ( oprócz big spamerów >.> )
Pozdro i przyjmę każdego polaka jako friends'a xD
UK:Hello everyone. wink
I'm Ann.
I have been born 20.05.94 in Lodz.
My hobby is animals, Manga, Anime & music.
My fauvorite singer is Nelly Furtado. ( i'm sorry behind my ortografy xD i don't like lerning english :/)
My fauvorite Anime are Wolf's Rain, Naruto & Tokyo Mew Mew.
My fauvorite school lessons are Sciense :E
There is my friends: Kate & Misia, Klimus, Piterek, Forcys, Radzio.
There is my enemies: Big Three( Lidka, Sylwka, Agata ) >[, PAULITE JERECZEK!
My fauvorite animal are tiger, wolf, cat & dog.
My forum friends are LoriAngel, Elyon, Chetah, Pingu Lily, Elosik i inni.^
UK:Lastly, those born under the Cauda Diaboli constellation, the devil's tail, often have the meanest streak of all. Wicked and cruel by nature, they laugh at things they really shouldn't laugh at, are known to start fights over trivial issues, and love to be the center of attention. Often intelligent and sharp witted, they usually use their smarts only for themselves and always have a nasty barb to spike any poor stray that steps into their domain. Besides all that, there is some good to them. They can (in rare times) offer sound (though harsh) advice, and they usually follow the rules in the loosest of ways, so even when they're being bad it's bad within acceptable limits. They can be very reliable friends, so long as you can stomach the punishment they dish out. They don't take anything seriously, so you shouldn't take what they say seriously either, or so they figure. You could argue that they're playful rather than nasty, but you'd have to have some concrete evidence for anyone to believe you...
My avi by Wilkus - THX it's fantastic!
Mój mały pamiętniczek :*
Pamiętniczek jest o moich dniach z życia wzięte.
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