Star Chase

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Last Login: 05/17/2018 7:10 pm

Registered: 04/09/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/04


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Hello. I'm Star. I really don't have much to say about myself. I love to read and to write, but my biggest passion is my music. I play the flute and a little guitar and piano. My current favorite band is Florence and the Machine. I also love Star Trek. If you want to get to know me more feel free to send a pm, I enjoy meeting new people.



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lil_kitty_TNA Report | 07/25/2014 7:30 pm
Wow. I remember when gold was extremely hard to earn... The amount of gold gained by clicking the Daily Chances seems frightening now -- I didn't think it was possible to get absurdly huge amounts of gold by clicking it. Everything is so freaking expensive gonk . Awww, sorry to hear that last year was pretty stressful for you! I'm glad you survived though!! Was there a lot of coffee involved for you? Have you decided on what you're majoring in school? Fingers crossed that next semester goes well for you!
Yeah, the community sucks.. Which is why I tend to play with a full party (5 people) of friends, or at least 3 other friends just to deter a toxic player from saying something. It's a fun MMO in my opinion if you don't mind certain repetitiveness (farming, item buying, etc) even though each match is different. sweatdrop . What MMOs have you played?
lil_kitty_TNA Report | 07/19/2014 2:08 pm
Gaia has changed so much since we've last logged on I guess! Er well.. It has changed quite a bit for me so.. I think we're both in the same boat for keeping up with all of the new things and inflation! The inflation is scary! Everything has gotten so much more expensive.. Has earning gold become a lot easier? I remember when earning gold was so hard ; n;. School went pretty well, I graduated high school and now I'm off to the top university in my city LOL... Unfortunately I wasn't accepted into the faculty I wanted to so I have to transfer in during 2nd year. How is school going for you?
League of Legends is pretty fun in my opinion.. Although, I can't say the same for some people. The community is kind of like the DotA community.. Both are pretty toxic. A lot of players unfortunately get queued with ragers when they decide to play by themselves (solo queue) which is really depressing. If you do find the time to get into it, I'd be more than happy to play with you biggrin !
lil_kitty_TNA Report | 07/18/2014 5:20 pm
Yay! I kinda got busy with life and ended up abandoning Gaiaonline for League of Legends and school work along with a whole bunch of different social networking sites, but I've been great now that summer has finally arrived! How have you been? Lots of stuff on your plate?
lil_kitty_TNA Report | 07/18/2014 12:59 pm
Hi Star ~
Would you happen to remember me? :3
Decisive Oathkeeper Report | 08/18/2013 10:02 pm
Decisive Oathkeeper
Hey there Star! I hope everything is going well with you. smile

I happen to be preparing for classes to start up again and was using Pandora Radio when a Florence and the Machine song came on. I REALLY liked it (Heartlines)....and within a few minutes found myself looking up all of the songs on her 2nd album. There's quite a few songs that are really good and it made me think about our PMs. I know that you've stated that you love her music, but it wasn't until now that I realize how much I like her too! Lol.

Idk, listening to her music made me think about you, so I thought I'd share that story with you, haha. smile Hope your start up of your 2nd year is going well so far! smile
Javier Cross Report | 04/05/2013 8:20 pm
Javier Cross
No skin off my bones, fellow traveller! redface

I do appreciate the company as there's not many Potter-world fans left on gaia online.
Javier Cross Report | 04/05/2013 8:02 am
Javier Cross
Its my own Emotional Tower of Strength, if you will, so anytime. ^_^

I hope to see you in careful what you wish for.
Javier Cross Report | 04/04/2013 8:24 pm
Javier Cross
That's okay, depending on how fast you can re-read the volumes if you have them on you, I might worry about that later on if it helps.
If you have any questions pertaining to the project you're welcome to ask me anytime.
In the meantime I have the link available to the Madoka Magica role-play group that you asked for, in fact.

Trick or Treat, feel the beat, bring us something good to greet! ^_^
Javier Cross Report | 04/04/2013 6:07 pm
Javier Cross
Do you have an inkling of an idea how appreciated it is? ^_^

The first page of the current project involving the Potter-world thus far, shows that it takes place 5-6 years after Riddle's demise!

After reading the first post you are welcome to skip to the current page, since a lot of the stuff between the first page and the latest is done before I read that journal so yeah!
Its flawed in the middle, I feel. emo
You can fire a Silver bullet in me if the links aren't good enough, though.

Or you can report the contents of the journal to the group so they can all take advantage of the news, either one would work as long as we see a sharp quality improvement in role-playing to be based on effort rather than raw power!

Hope you like the links.

P.S: I don't have a Choco Lazer Boom either, or we'd be reduced to Chocolate Syrup Smeers on the floor.
Javier Cross Report | 04/04/2013 5:36 pm
Javier Cross
Know that I feel so glad to be riding the gravy train of the amazing revelations. ^_^

Now may I link you to the project while you are welcome to add to your signature the revelation I brought in, thanks to that journal entry?
Together we can make many an epic flowing role-play, I am sure.



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