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RiotousFury's avatar

Last Login: 06/06/2024 8:11 am

Registered: 03/14/2007

Gender: Female

Location: behind you. don't look back. don't you dare look back.

Birthday: 07/18

Occupation: professional dilettante

Items That Didn't Go Back Into Circulation

A Theoretically Empty Journal

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Rhye's Journal

Yeah, it's probably empty.


Recent Profile Stalkers

millydew huckleberry on 05/26/2024
Artificial Desires on 05/26/2024
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khamoon on 05/24/2024
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Trophy Gal on 04/29/2024
Fluffy Floof on 04/28/2024
slayerzyx on 04/27/2024
Rogue Alleycat on 02/18/2024

Who's profile was this, anyway?

Hey, you, reading this text. You're more than likely here because you were curious about who you got this whatever item from Dumpster Dive. I don't know what you're expecting to find here. When I left ages ago, I should have stayed gone. This place is kinda toxic.

If you're an old friend of mine that just wants to get in touch to reconnect, I left email notifications on, so just PM me; I'll respond when I can. Otherwise, I'm done with this place.

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AriAruff Report | 05/30/2024 11:40 am
thank you for the gift even tho it's cause u plan to leave gaia. q u q


~ The name of the game is &******** around and find out". You ******** around, and now you get to find out. ~