
I am Canadian and i am a nice person to talk to but i dont like people that lie to me so i catch you in a lie im going to ignore you and if you keep on annoying me then im going to report you so then you cant talk to me anymore i love to hang out with my friends and i like to party i smoke and drink i love to read anime books everything else is just boring. I go to church but i usually fall asleep in it cause its so boring i always respond to your Messages and if i dont then it means i dont like you or your boring i hate people that are boring to talk to so if you can make me laugh then i think we will get along just fine i have a sister and her gaia name is Demonic-cupid she is really weird and me and her dont get along only sometimes. I have msn and it aoyagi-kun_insanity@hotmail.com and if your in you 20s or older then dont even think about adding me well i told you about me soo yeah!!!Oh yeah for people that think Canadians always says aye at the end of there sentences well they dont soo yeah



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/19/2008 7:00 pm


Have a good day friend!

Report | 12/19/2007 4:12 pm


Thanks for the vote and the comment.Yup,I want my 15 minutes in the spotlight.
n_n Pikachu n_n

Report | 12/18/2007 9:28 am

n_n Pikachu n_n

Cool profile dawg...Have fun today

Report | 12/18/2007 7:59 am


You are most welcome! <3
Shandi lafaga

Report | 12/17/2007 9:26 am

Shandi lafaga

Try This Out!if you send this comment to 12 people and press Ctrl+w you will get 4000 gold! Trust Me It DOES Work I Tried!

hey! just thought i would try it sooo ya pm me sometime we havent talked in a long time

Report | 12/06/2007 5:56 pm



Nice profile!

Report | 10/24/2007 10:45 pm


hello there..... Nice profile

Report | 10/23/2007 5:34 pm


hey carmel!

looks like you got a dude!

Report | 10/15/2007 3:37 am


BOU'S A GUY?! woh..... 0.0 lolo i really thought (or hoped 0.0) that bou was a girl....*shudders* lolo xD
the guy in the tree

Report | 10/08/2007 7:07 pm

the guy in the tree

^_^ nice pro


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