Patch me? View QuiltWelcome to one of my many little corners of the internet. I'm Cels,
When not online, I can be found working diligently at one of several odd-jobs. In the past year alone, I've worked as a seamstress for a prestigious opera house, a nanny for two separate families, a sophomore in college, and most recently as a runner for a Rescue Squad.
Right this moment, I'm not on Gaia a whole lot. As one of three staff moderators for the ConnectiCon forums, I've been very busy. With the Con coming up, it's a scramble to get everything in order in time for the opening day.
Generally, I wear my interests on my sleeve. As if you could already have observed, I'm a fan of steampunk. I also enjoy horseback riding, video gaming, costuming/cosplaying, reading, and the occasional bout of cooking.
While this account may have only been created a year or so ago, I've been around on gaia since late 2003/early 2004. So if you are ever in need of advice, feel free to drop me a line.
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