Darien Knights

Darien Knights's avatar

Last Login: 01/04/2022 6:57 pm

Registered: 08/28/2003

Gender: Male

Location: Philadelphia

Birthday: 06/02/1982

Occupation: Writer, Massage Therapist,Nurse in Training.




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Favorite Movies/Animes
I love to watch movies and I would die if I couldn't watch anime. My favorite movie of all time has to be Cable Guy. If you want me to name my favorite anime, I will give two example. My favorite anime shows would be Ranma 1/2 (a love the will live one forever) and Ai Yori Aoshi (a great love story with lots of comedy and drama), and my favorite anime movies have to be either Armitage the Third razz olymatrix or Tenchi Muyo in Love.
Favorite TV Shows
There are too many anime shows that I watch that are on the tv, but my favorite shows right now are Heroes,The Soup,(the new) American Gladiators,Ghost Hunters(the only good real paranormal show on tv),and a s**t load of shows on the Discovery and History channel.
Favorite Reads
As my friends know, I really don't read many books...I write books, but I don't really read much. I do love to read manga though (it's either the weeaboo in me or I justs needs some purty pictures when I reads) My favorite mangas are Ranma 1/2 (of course) Ai Yori Aoshi and a manga I picked up called A.I.LoveYou which was really cute and funny.
Favorite Music
My music interests are very wide, I enjoy some dark death metal and go all the way up to the ganstaist of rap music, tied around with the top hit pop music. But NO Country...I hate country. I just like to say that anything that sounds good to my ears, I like, no matter the genre. Though, my favorite bands of all time are still Nine Inch Nails, Stabbing Westward, and Korn. Where some of my favorite artist are Ludacris, Busta Rhymes, Sean Paul and a whole bunch others. Just can't make up my mind on that music stuff...i love too much...AND I HATE COUNTRY!!!
My normal hobbies are watching animes, and movies. I used to write ALOT, but it's hard to find any writing partner's nowadays that are close to my own age and want to RP a good fantasy story that can maybe become a book or even RP just for fun. I have written a few of my own books for my character Darien A. Knights, which is where my Avatar name comes from. I had stopped writing for a long time after finishing one of my longest books back in highschool. I seemed to have a large writer's block that was only allowed out in some dozes of RP writing. But I have recently been putting together more of some backstory books to connect up to my last major story with my character Darien. All thanks to alittle sollitude in the frozen hell of a freezer I have to stock at my day job. And who says work doesn't fullfill your inner needs...lol (God I hate Wawa..*sorry if you don't know what a Wawa is* ) So, my main Interest right now is finishing up my new back story aaannnnddd finding someone to RP with for fun or for some serious story so I can get my writing abilities back..lol Here's alittle example of my writing to finish off this little profile of mine.

The shadowy night sky loomed over the castle walls as a small ray of moon light was all that broke the winter night's darkness. With guards standing at each entrance like stone statues, the king had no fear of any foolish intruder who even dared to try and enter the impregnable defense of his guards. Just as the clouds shifted above letting the small ray of light move among the castle a horn is sounded by an approaching scout. The gate guards quickly turn the cranks to open the giant wooden doors to the castle's entrance as the racing horsemen engulfed in a ominous onyx cloak speeds toward the castle with no sign of slowing down. As a large crack forms between the two opening gate doors the horsemen rushes in, but as the guards turn to look back at the passing man his body falls off the horse as the obsidian cloak is flung into the air. With the cloak soaring above the men they only see the silver glint in the moon light as a tall dark shadowy figure pounces down upon them. With a large bladed hatchet coming down cracking through one guards helmet, it cuts deep into his skull while the shadowed man finally lands on the ground. Before the second guard can even draw his blade he is struck down with a second serrated dagger being driven deep into his torso, as it is drug up the front of his body breaking through the soft bone between his rib cage showering the stone wall behind him in a spray of blood. With this the tower guards immediately call all the ground guards to converge on the shadowy man's spot. He looks back at the appreaching guards as his dark ice blue eyes glimmer in the moving ray of light and he yanks the hatchet out of the one guards skull as he quickly rushes to engage the other guards in battle. A tall lanky guard is the first to reach the shadowed man as he swings a large broad sword at the intruder, but the man dodges quickly to the side and slashes the hatchet across the guards abdomen spilling his innards to the dirt floor. With the two other guards right behind him the blue eyed man leaps off the head of the fallen guard and flips twisting in the air with his cloak swirling like a black cloud in the sky. He cathces one guard with the black of his hatchet burring itself into the guard's face while the shadowed man's foot lands on the guards back pushing him into the third guard who is shoved to the ground under his comrades now lifeless body. With the three main guards taken out from the front gate the shadowed man pauses for a second and he rips the cloak from off his body. He stands in the light of the moon that pushes through the dark night sky with his long jet black hair floating in the wind, and his dark ice blue eyes glowing as two soft blue moons over a crystal sea. He wipes the blood from his hatchet's silver blade with the cloak and flings it behind him as he thinks to himself staring a dead glare to the approaching guards. "I will save you Alexia...no matter how many men they send.." And with his last thought he rushes into the on coming assault of guards knowing he will batter his blade in blood of hundreds this cold winter night.


View Journal

Never Ending Hate for Shawn

This journal is filled with half non-sence and philosphy on the other half. If your name is Shawn, this is no directed at you. It is aimed at the good for nothing husband of my mother.


View All Comments

gummie_sourball Report | 07/25/2013 2:32 pm
i miss chatting with you.... crying
Alipio558 Report | 06/03/2013 11:15 pm
Hi can you give me any items or help me in my quest please I beg you. If you won't donate its OK I understand
Alipio558 Report | 06/03/2013 6:39 am
Hey can you help me in my quest. If you cant help its OK I can understand
Sexiibunniluv Report | 05/26/2013 1:28 pm
Thanks for all the great items and thanks for helping my friend and my daughter ♥
Plvms Report | 05/26/2013 1:27 pm
Hey (;
no its patrick Report | 05/25/2013 5:20 pm
no its patrick
thank you for buying emotion_yatta
Sexiibunniluv Report | 05/25/2013 4:33 pm
how many items do you have just lying around lmao.
Sexiibunniluv Report | 05/25/2013 4:22 pm
Thanks ♥ You don't have to keep donating ♥
Unsweetened Coconut Report | 05/25/2013 4:07 pm
Unsweetened Coconut
Thank You so much for the money for the Dark Omen.
Sexiibunniluv Report | 05/25/2013 3:55 pm
i have those too only items left i need for dream avi are:
Dark halo
baby seal slippers
angelic sash
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Nice Style For Work
angelic manner
Ancient Katana x3
So that alot of gold i need ♥ but ill get there soon

