This is me

Hello my name is Kaela, but you can call me Kay or Airi. I am 21 years old and even though I am going to school full-time and working full-time, Gaia has been my safe haven for 10 years now. My boyfriend is the best thing that has ever happened to me. If you ever need a friend to talk to or advice, I am your girl. Have a great day Lovelies!

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Ashura Lunarcross Report | 09/25/2017 2:26 pm
Hey, I noticed you have the gotta catch em all item I am looking for. Might you be interested in a trade of or trade of equal or greater value? I have a white laurel that is worth 4900P I would be willing to trade, and many of the older items worth all of P.
Ona660 Report | 08/27/2017 8:23 pm
EXCELENT wives. I also love Candace so much. Her and Maya are baes.
Luke is also an EXCELLENT hubband. He's actually what got me to think about what I vaulved in people and why.
I saw a comment talking about how they'd prefer a big dumb puppy who loves himself as opposed to a smarty a*****e who ates himself. I definately hated luke but that was only when I was like 14 and thought the friend zone was a thing and also thought anyone who wasnt a smarty a*****e was the bigest a*****e rofl rofl rofl
But now I will fight for that puppy man, I need to make a new account just to try his route I sw
-I- Bitty -I- Report | 08/25/2017 7:18 pm
Sends all of her good vibes to you and luffs
Ona660 Report | 08/25/2017 5:51 pm
Aaaah!! Who's your husband/waifu?? Im very passionate abt these characters I s2g emotion_bigheart
Ona660 Report | 08/21/2017 2:06 pm
Little girls are adorable like always. I swear. She's a straight up tomboy and I love her so much even though i'm the girliest girl (W hich has sparked some debate sweatdrop rolleyes lol ) she's the best and I love my bby sister. heart

And sLAM DUNKS IN!!!!!!!!! I love animal parade. Wizard Gail and Julian are both my husbands, forever, also i'm stealing Maya from all the chase lovers for myself they can keep him i'm stealing his wiFE.
-I- Bitty -I- Report | 08/20/2017 7:07 pm
Scoops up and luffs. "Shh it'll be fine" Pets your hair and soothes.
"I probably need one myself but eh..." Shrug
Ona660 Report | 08/19/2017 2:55 pm
Aaaaaah thank u. /)//o//( im a lil embarressed rereading how i worded it the first time tbh bc I adore my lil sister I was also drowsy when I responded tho so it was the euivelnt of like Drunkenly smashing your feelings onto a keyboard lmfao. My bby sister is 10 now and I love her so much man :_; She's into like minecraft and youtube stuff and while I'm also a gamer im a really lowkey gamer. I'm an animal crossing and harvest moon player. I can not keep up with the noscopes rofl
It is hard breaking away tho yeye but bless. I've legit n e v e r had a friend who had a simliar situation ^^;;;
-I- Bitty -I- Report | 08/19/2017 2:35 pm
Cuddles. "It's fine I know life can get in the way" <3
Ona660 Report | 08/18/2017 8:19 pm
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh its not important it was my bitterness showing for a second sorrry hEY THO on a positive note, Im also headed back to school for my GED soon so like. [******** yeah.
Ona660 Report | 08/18/2017 3:58 pm
ooooh yeah man fincial constraints but also: Raising my little sister while mom works beCAUSE of it xox
ALWAYS fun times lmfao.
Tfw u got to be the virgin mary teen mom edition.


You Are The Most Precious To Me...
Take My Hand...
...And Everything Will Be Okay...

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