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Tyler558 Report | 07/12/2022 12:41 pm
Love the avatar.
The Bad Guy Report | 07/11/2022 8:11 am
The Bad Guy
Oh, it's my pleasure, really...
The way I see it, "lateness" notwithstanding, I loved what you made, but there'd be no better way to express that than by actually saying it, hahaha. Because what's the alternative -- thinking about it really hard? ROFL
Especially on a moribund website like this, where people tend to check in every once in a blue moon, potentially disappearing forever afterwards, I'll gladly jump at the opportunity to remind people I encounter that they're awesome. 🎉
The Bad Guy Report | 07/11/2022 7:44 am
The Bad Guy
Thanks for posting on that Gaia reminiscence thread -- because of that, I had a chance to read your adorable Coco & Kiki comic. I knew about the inflation problems already, but the accompanying illustrations were so precious that I felt I couldn't go without complimenting your art.
Valkenbergs Report | 03/17/2022 1:16 pm
Love your avatar! Neon green is the best.
Kyra Holmes Report | 03/27/2020 8:36 pm
Kyra Holmes

Thanks for the purchase
KaoruxKamiya Report | 10/28/2017 4:33 pm
heart yum_cupcake emotion_bigheart gaia_crown emotion_bigheart yum_cupcake heart
Absolutely awesome profile and amazing avatar! I dig your vibes, Lokun!
heart yum_cupcake emotion_bigheart gaia_crown emotion_bigheart yum_cupcake heart
DarkMari2 Report | 10/24/2012 7:10 am
Awesome avatar!
Also, the avi art of healer Lokun greatly amuses me. Like, a whole lot. XD
out of controll Report | 10/15/2012 4:50 pm
out of controll
Thanks! thats refreshing to hear.
M E G U R O I K A Report | 03/27/2012 9:50 am
User Image
Ahahahah I have those too! they were effective before though XD I like the gumshoe :3

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M E G U R O I K A Report | 03/27/2012 9:32 am
User Image
Ohh what rings do you have? :3

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Lokun's avatar

Last Login: 03/07/2024 1:27 pm

Registered: 11/26/2006

About me?

Yo! ^^
I'm easy going, not unfriendley, and kinda lazy. sweatdrop

Fairly active in zOMG, on and off active one Gaia, and tend to draw art whenever I feel like it. mrgreen



Watch this kitty dance to the music

Stupidity has saved many a men from going mad

Otami Lokun:
This avatar will you see around the Otami ruins, acting as some kind of guardian of the jungle and sometimes help people in need. She appears to be born in the wild, and speaks often with a "Tiny terror" dialect. ^^; screaming things like YAOTIHUA! when she feels like. XD
Rings: Medical set. Together with Hunter's bow and Slash. Like an animal, she prefer to run away and scare her enemies, rather then fight them (which makes her a frequent user of the "Cyote spirit" and "Scaredy cat").

Royal Physician Lokun:
This little fella' hasn't a specific area, but because of a low level he/she usually avoid the beach because of too strong opponents (or maybe just want to avoid a nice tan? 0-o)
He/she speaks in a quite old-english way and are very polite and chevalrous, saying things like "I shall help you!" and "Fear not friends!" and a very eager to heal his fellow comrades, even when they doesn't need it... Frankly, i think this character is a bit annoying... ^^; But I like the hat! biggrin
Rings: Medical set. Alongside with Hack, Slash, Hunter's bow and... Something else.

Medical Ninja Lokun:
The strongest of my zOMG avatars and can therefore be found anywhere in the worlds (but she is especially fond of the Zen Garden wink ). Though a strong ninja, her true call is to heal and help people and can't fight enemies when there are wounded people around! Only if they are attacking her patients... That's probably the only way to piss her off.
She also has a habit of stalking random people and heal them behind their backs. sweatdrop
Rings: Ninja set, and Medical set.

Goddess Lokun:
She's not very talkative, and that together with her apearence might make her seem rather creepy and meanlooking...
But she's not. smile Lokun couldn't be mean to someone if her mother's life depended on it. ^^ Goddess Lokun might appear pretty much in any world in zOMG. She belongs everywhere and nowhere. ninja
Rings: Shifting depending on where she is. But usally Angel-set, because she is a god (and healing halo looks so cool on her!! >0<) and Shaman-set.

Me as a medical ninja! heart
A beautiful avi-art made by Retasu!! 3nodding


Thief Assasin Lokun:
Doesn't have a real role in zOMG yet. Just running around looking blastingly cool. ^^
(Thank you Netbattle for the idea of the name. :nod smile
Rings: Hunters Bow, Ghost, Coyote Spirit, Slash, Hack, Dervish, Diagnose.