Viewing ~Lime_Flavored_Orange~'s profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Checkies my new vid! Lime and Orange Broadcasting will rule Youtube! >=D

Name: Kyoko Haruna
Age: 14
Powers: Pyrokinnetics
Appearance: Kyoko

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Bulbasaur OWNS. Don't deny it XD

And here's a little bit about me!:

First Name: Lydia (isn't it pretty?)
Last Name: whyshoulditellyou?
Nicknames: Lyd (irl), Limey (internet)
Age: 14
Gender: Female (OMGRLY?!)
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual (That means straight for those who don't like big words)

Okay! Those are the basics. Now it's time for random stuff:

Favorite food: Garlic bread
Favorite drink: Diet Dr. Pepper
Hobbies: Singing (not to brag or anything XD but people have told me that I'm an amazing singer .///.), acting, writing, roleplaying, internet-ing, running-jumping-swinging-climbing on trees while applying make-up, spending time with my friends.
My Philosophy on Life: The use of big words makes you sound smart
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite things: Karaoke, the internet, cats, books, roller-coasters, Broadway, my friends
Favorite sports: Swimming, volleyball, rollerblading, and anything in the "tennis" family
Quote of the Week: "'How could you see me, for the glass was frosted?' Wait a minute, Max, I've seen this before! Oh what was it called? ...The Frosted Glass!" ~Leo Bloom (The Producers)

Roleplay Facts About Me:

I will roleplay to these anime/movies with these characters:
Tokyo Mew Mew: Lettuce, made-up
Fruits Basket: Tohru, Hana, Uo, Kisa, made-up
Sailor Moon: Made-up
Pirates of the Carribean: Made-up
Harvest Moon: Made-up
Inuyasha: Rin, made-up
Please note: I only do Sesshomaru/Rin/Jakken/made-up roleplays, no Inuyasha or Kagome, etc -_-
Harry Potter: Made-up

I also like doing made-up plots to almost anything. I only play girls at the moment and I don't do yaoi/yuri. PM me if you want to do a 1-on-1 or if you want to give me a link to your roleplay. ^_^ Thank you!

LUFFS for these people:
Kuraire: My little sister! XD Okay, she's not really my little sister, but she's my bestest best friend in the whole wide world! Happy birthday! (:
Spencer: 'cuz we're dating, duh XD
Pyro: Damn, you are AMAZING dude! XD
Mark-kun: I LOVE YOU! XD Never lose your awesomeness!
DNA: Because he thinks I AM WONDER WOMAN!
Purple: cuz I luff her soooooo much!
Kyoko and Hotaru: My roleplay characters, I love them to death!
Daiquiri: Because Kyoko loves him (Kyoko: ^///^)
Krel: He likes lollipops
Nasu: I didn't want him to feel bad
The rest of the characters from the TMM roleplay: So they don't feel bad...
My little brother: Just....because...

I love you guys! heart

My new dream avatar!

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PLEASE: If you want to donate, please DO NOT give me tokens! I hate playing slots, they waste my time. Ticket donations are fine (:

I have a dream...

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Below: Funneh katz piks
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^Lolz, that guy's nekkid^

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Check out my blog, bitchas! (:<


~Limey~'s Journal

((My journal PWNS your journal!))



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Ice of the North

Report | 11/12/2008 2:50 pm

Ice of the North

Your multimedia is slightly disturbing. User Image
Kiva Wildfire

Report | 09/18/2008 7:05 pm

Kiva Wildfire

I am me and Lydz you should know who me is after all I Do kind of stick out in peoples memory.............RIGHT COZ

Report | 03/05/2008 6:04 am


Hizzles! Im a friend of coris!!

my name is Neeki!! *huggles*
~Demon Ninja Alchemist~

Report | 11/11/2007 1:34 pm

~Demon Ninja Alchemist~

Your multimedia is talking about me. 0.o

Kodocha!! XDD
k u r a b e a r_x

Report | 11/05/2007 4:47 pm

k u r a b e a r_x

*clears throat* Oh no....I'm sorry Pyro!

These comments are now MINE!

Mine I tell you!

I has stolen them from yous!

And now I shall do with them as I please....

Wow...that sounded weird...


HI Lydz!

You haven't been on Gaia for like...


It's making me sad!

Feareth thy long





















It shall take up space!

And thou cannot stopeth it!!


But remeber!

Even if you never come on Gaia anymore

Kura will always be your bestest friend!

Lots of hugs and luffs for Onee-chan!

-Kura-chan! <3
~Demon Ninja Alchemist~

Report | 10/18/2007 2:31 pm

~Demon Ninja Alchemist~

Random comment.

And a reminder for you to be online when I'm online.


Report | 10/18/2007 2:26 pm


This may seem really random but....nice username :3
__b - b - BAM

Report | 10/05/2007 10:19 am

__b - b - BAM

OMGz, nu wai! =D

Ske: ;P

Abumi: *huggles back* ^^

Jamie:..."kins?" >///>
~Demon Ninja Alchemist~

Report | 10/02/2007 2:22 pm

~Demon Ninja Alchemist~

Aaron: *is a blonde* But.. you said.. 0.o

Aaah! My character is a blonde! *dies*
~Demon Ninja Alchemist~

Report | 09/30/2007 5:46 pm

~Demon Ninja Alchemist~

XDD Awesome, thanks.

Daiquiri: ^^ Hey, Kyoko.

Aaron: *gives Treasure chicken pot pie* XD


Comments=luff <3
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Comments on my username: 12