Viewing II_semire_chanII's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hello, and welcome to my profile. I'm not sure why you're here because I'm the most boring person ever lol. I bit about myself I like anime, Drawing was a hobby of mine, and I love animals (dogs especially). I also love being very very lazy. I enjoy a bit of Roleplay here and there but I get bored very easily, so I'm not the best when it comes to sticking around. Entertain me enough and I just might.

Other things I enjoy are music, I have no real preference. If it sounds good I like it, this excludes country because I don't like it period. I enjoy learning about other cultures and such along with trying out a few ethnic foods, while hoping I don't screw them up. Starting this fall I'll be a college Freshmen. I'm looking forward to living the starving college student life style. I often change my avi. Most of the time I won't even keep the same look for a month unless I've gone inactive for a while.

I have a mule account for things like Roleplays, and other mindless interactions. I also draw art, for free! Just send me a PM with the details and I'll see what I can do.

I'm an 06 (yeah I'm old) though I don't feel like I've been here that long.




Viewing 12 of 27 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Kratom Killer

Report | 05/09/2013 5:36 pm

Kratom Killer

Yup pretty good taking plumbing classes and such.
Kratom Killer

Report | 05/09/2013 1:30 pm

Kratom Killer

Yea i hear ya must suck razz .
Kratom Killer

Report | 05/09/2013 12:44 pm

Kratom Killer

I just came back after a year or so so how have you been?
Kratom Killer

Report | 05/04/2013 10:17 am

Kratom Killer

Long time no speak stranger, Assuming you remember me.

Report | 12/17/2012 6:17 pm


Thanks for buying!
u go puta

Report | 11/23/2012 9:46 pm

u go puta

oh that's ok i stalk everyone on my friends list all the time
btw , if you ever need someone to talk to about stuff
im all ears, 24/7 LOL

Report | 09/08/2012 6:41 pm


GSU-Georgia State University. I was thinking of going there 3nodding .How is it?

Report | 08/31/2012 6:47 pm


How are ya? Btw what college you attending? 3nodding

Report | 08/31/2012 2:15 am


Thank you for your purchase!
oOo Althea oOo

Report | 08/06/2012 12:45 pm

oOo Althea oOo

How r cu? emotion_bigheart


I tip a lot. [/size:74420622eb][/color:74420622eb][/align:74420622eb]
Cows do moo[/color:74420622eb][/align:74420622eb][/size:74420622eb]