Peace-You can call me Susie or Marzo.
I absolutely LOVE random PMs and artwork!
I'm 15 and my birthday's March, 24-Don't forget it!
I'm really into fashion, field hockey, softball, poetry, acting, singing, dancing and of course Gaia!
I am a poulatarian who is really environmentally concerned, and who loves animals.
I really like listening, and if you need any help with anything at all, just send me a PM.
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somewhat cute.
Anyway, It is up now!
sorry, it is a little rushed, I just woke up!
Lol, i've reserved you! Might as well return the favour!
she's now asleep
still under there. ;-;
I shook this cat treat thing
I tried putting her food bowl out
I tried waving this catnip toy around to see if she'd come out to play, but she's still under there
she's been hiding under the treadmill
I just got back from adopting a cat lol =3