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Questing these items!
Donations are <3

MoMo's the name! (nickname)
I'm really 18
no, I'm not 11. Sorry for all you ***** bears out there sweatdrop
lol I'm really energetic, and I love to have fun.
Lets talk, chat, you know the the little thing we usually call a conversation?~!
Well yea, haha.

Avi art of my avi's would be ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!
will tip, but guarantee yourselves that I won't always tip.
If I see fit, I will tip! How about that! whee

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Weasel is Insane

Report | 08/11/2011 2:19 pm

Weasel is Insane

I miss you :C
Not much Bro, I'm in school. How bout you?
Twilight Afternoon

Report | 08/11/2011 1:40 pm

Twilight Afternoon

Twilight Afternoon

Report | 08/11/2011 11:49 am

Twilight Afternoon

A day without siblings going crazy and asking for everything OR a day relaxing not worrying about every little thing they ask. Door number two is my option and I told you a rain check on the sleep over. So there Blargh!
Twilight Afternoon

Report | 08/11/2011 11:34 am

Twilight Afternoon

Okay, fine leave me with the family and the collapse roof. XD
Tell me how it goes on saturday. I want to see pictures!
Twilight Afternoon

Report | 08/11/2011 11:13 am

Twilight Afternoon

Awesome, I want to come and see the litter!
Pick the new litter since you get first picks.
Twilight Afternoon

Report | 08/11/2011 11:04 am

Twilight Afternoon

lol, I kinda thought that after I posted that. XD
How is the dog hunt?
Twilight Afternoon

Report | 08/11/2011 10:15 am

Twilight Afternoon

Erro? What does that mean?
Weasel is Insane

Report | 08/04/2011 2:16 pm

Weasel is Insane


Report | 07/22/2011 4:04 pm


True that, all for the gold.

Report | 07/21/2011 7:10 pm


I felt bad for posting life stuff on the forum, so if you want we can message or just leave comments for gold > biggrin


I'm questing, do you think you can help?
Any thing is good! Much love!!
Donation Peeps!
Thanks to "Multicolored Dysfunction" for helping me to finish this quest!

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