
New Dream Avi.

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Total Value: 719,784 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Captain Ara's Nestegg 2nd Gen.
Divided Stars
Enchanted Book
Smoky And Milk Quartz Headband
Dreamer's Dust
Mythrill Halo
Dreamer's Dust
Snow Feather
Dove White Kachina Dancer's Wings


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Blue Eyed Wallflower

Report | 07/28/2012 10:34 pm

Blue Eyed Wallflower

I bet you could recommend some really good magical realism books. I've only read Like Water For Chocolate in that genre that I can think of. The jacket art is amazing. It's one of my favorite books that i own. I know exactly what you mean by not particularly liking any of the characters. The movie really made me love Tita and Nacha, though. Laura Esquivel is an amazing writer though. I really got lost in that book. I read it back in high school.

You're so welcome!! I'm glad you like doing it. Somebody started doing it on Gaia back in 2006 I think. Not sure if it was earlier than that. I started participating in 2008. Last year, no one else wanted to make a thread and the same thing happened this year, so I kind of had to make sure it got done. It's one of my favorite things to do on Gaia.
Blue Eyed Wallflower

Report | 07/25/2012 5:47 pm

Blue Eyed Wallflower

Hi, there. I saw you read Like Water for Chocolate. how did you like it? biggrin
Gelatin Jones

Report | 10/28/2011 2:28 am

Gelatin Jones

I thought you might like an update from me.
I've gone to university. Studying History and Political Science.
It's amazing how much I've changed. Shoot me a PM, wouldja?
It's Zach, in case you forgot.

Report | 07/12/2011 4:02 pm


:0! Eden i havent seen you in forever! where have you been? how have you been?
i'm not sure if you remember me razz but its been a long while

Report | 06/27/2011 8:27 pm


Eden! How are you? smile
Miss Trickster

Report | 04/10/2011 5:37 pm

Miss Trickster

I doubt you remember me.
From like two years ago~
But I remember you. ouo

Report | 03/03/2011 11:08 am


HOW ARE YOU? Do you still remember meeee? smile
I miss you so! It's a shame we don't get in touch more often. D;
Evenings Desires

Report | 02/04/2011 5:41 pm

Evenings Desires



(this is Lunar aka Kisa Aka.. an oolllllld friend that you probably forgot about)

Lady Phantom Angel

Report | 01/13/2011 7:13 pm

Lady Phantom Angel

Thank you for Shopping at PhantomMart

Report | 12/06/2010 2:55 am

