
Hiya, I'm Mangusu. (Mongoose or Mangy too)
This was me.
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Errmm.. I don't come on gaia too often. I guess I'll drop by and check things every few days. But I'm really not active on this site anymore.

If you haven't been to my profile before.. I usually like to feature good music videos.

The current video is by the band, AQUA. Yes Aqua, from the 90's They're still around. And Serious. Seriously amazing.


Viewing 12 of 35 friends


Chronicles of a Mongoose

Just be happy please.

Why keep this journal? I wish to remember? I wish to let out my thoughts? I wish to let Gaia see? I wish to relieve simple boredom? All of the above? None of the above? Damn, those tests are annoying.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Edge Ferret

Report | 08/17/2010 12:07 am

Edge Ferret

cool avi

Report | 07/30/2010 9:13 pm


Nice Harry potter pic lol
Edge Ferret

Report | 12/11/2009 9:26 pm

Edge Ferret

wai.... whaaaa???!?
Edge Ferret

Report | 12/09/2009 4:44 pm

Edge Ferret

marf? priest mongoose?
Edge Ferret

Report | 12/08/2009 5:30 pm

Edge Ferret

internets died o__o for a while atleast

Report | 11/23/2009 7:20 pm


User Image

Ohai Mangusu. Dunno if you're active or not, but you need to update your Furry Locater. Fur's are complaining, and are wanting you to. You should also update the usernames, considering I am no longer 'I H a r u k i I'

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hunter the peripatetic

Report | 08/31/2009 11:32 pm

hunter the peripatetic

Hey dude, was just scrolling through the GFG guild forums and happened upon your Youtube channel via the link in your signature. At first I was just entertained with Crazy Mime Time, but I was seriously impressed with your Tac Zombie Vogue and I think your dancing is absolutely amazing and you have an awesome taste for music. Really makes me wish that I had my own fursuit- I'm totally jealous. Keep on dancin man. ^^
- Kehai
Akari Angel

Report | 04/24/2009 11:53 am

Akari Angel

{color=red]Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu!!
aka. Happy Birthday!!!
Nezu Kunoichi

Report | 04/24/2009 8:01 am

Nezu Kunoichi

Kiss in Digital

Report | 02/16/2009 11:58 am

Kiss in Digital

Only at the rave if at all. ;-;


I have my Multi-Pass, Where's yours?
I suggest visiting My Youtube