Viewing FKA Kuroi's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online

I spy with my little eye

pokeblocks on 04/04/2024
Im-So-Fly on 02/20/2024
belial_black on 11/19/2023
III Haze III on 02/02/2021
M0nster Thicc Girl on 01/28/2021
Only Gabby on 11/13/2019

Love me tender

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Kung Fu Dragon Lady Report | 07/14/2018 12:01 pm
Kung Fu Dragon Lady
emotion_yatta emotion_hug emotion_yatta
Kokopelli St Cyr Report | 07/13/2018 4:49 pm
Kokopelli St Cyr
Haha, I've noticed, sorry pal sweatdrop ; it's been a while since I've been on here and I'm reminded of how creative people can be now so I'm like "wow that looks cool!" at almost everything
blip on your radar Report | 01/07/2018 10:08 am
blip on your radar
Finally someone with a wish list almost as long as mine. Haha sweatdrop your avi is nice.
Albern Puppy Report | 03/03/2016 5:43 am
Albern Puppy
It is from Final Fantasy V. During the last fight with Gilgamesh, this is part of what he says before transforming.
tsuruaka Report | 09/21/2015 4:13 pm
/stares at pretty avi
MangaAquarium Report | 08/24/2015 3:37 pm
OH and also (sorry for comment spam!! XD) I just saw your avi (it took a little bit to load) and it looks awesome too :0 I love the indian-like style heart
MangaAquarium Report | 08/24/2015 3:34 pm

omg thank you so much heart
I just started out with this thing and worked on it for like two months
User Image
VaIhaIIaFaIIs Report | 02/26/2015 6:19 am
As long as there is no physical confrontation.
You know how the French are when it comes to combat. emotion_awesome
VaIhaIIaFaIIs Report | 02/26/2015 5:39 am
All right, but I want to reduce all tariffs on International trade with the USA and I demand that we have unlimited visiting rights to the Queen's palace. She will give us ALL the crumpets.
Alice_Blackburn Report | 02/25/2015 2:40 pm
Your avi is so pretty and detailed and I'm so jelly~ emotion_kirakira


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⚢ ♡ Pan

29 (too old...)

Proud member since September 2005 ~

Art by ☆K4TG4R☆ (that you can't enjoy because... photobucket)


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Member since 2005
lol I can't even remember my first acct.
Second account - Thelisis

♥---☆--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---☆---♥
Birthday - Jan 13

Birthplace - Stockholm, Sweden
♥---☆--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---☆---♥

I know we come here to play around. but - it is a privilege to get to know you.
My friends are the best.


I need to thank a lot of people but Hugh J Boobs and Anyel Sparkx I will thank now.
Thank you sweethearts,
for giving me the chance to be creative and sharing your love with a stranger.

Thx DuskuII -❤

Be nice okokok?

FKA Kuroi

FKA Kuroi's avatar

Birthday: 01/13

☠ FKA Kuroi is on hiatus ☠

♡ On hiatus from January 5th 2015 ~ until sometime later.
Mainly going on hiatus because I take my studies very seriously and need to focus.
If I fall in love I probably won't come back until my heart breaks.
Let's hope I don't come back for a while then.

Thank you for the memories, I've had so much fun with you all!
Please feel free to PM/comment as it will make me very happy when I come back.

Laaater you guys ♡