Listen to the Song

Noog Nkauj's avatar

Last Login: 08/19/2009 6:26 pm

Registered: 03/25/2006

Gender: Female

Personal Website

Worth a Thousand Words

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Fairy Color: Blue
Name: Kysia

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Annotation of the Self

[Shimmer in the sky so empty, lonely, rising in the warmth of the Son's love . . . ]

    ________I am Noog Nkauj. You may know me as Silvatine on, Cherri on my personal site, Sakuranbo on some forums and other places, or Cherish in real life. Though I've many names, I'm still the same person through and through.

    My family and friends are a big part of my life. Without them, I'm not sure I'd survive the harsh realities of life. I'm proud to say that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and will always be so. I'm a Christian as thoroughly as I am Hmong Asian and I'm big on both of those aspects.

    To some I may be redundant and repulsive, but can't we say that to at least one person? I am who I am and I love what makes me different (including my lovely, long black hair). I take pride in who I am and I don't shy from what's expected of me (most of the time). I am skilled in various talents and I strive to be the best I can. I aim for the highest and will not settle for less. I am Noog Nkauj, and this is who I am.

    Notice: One thing that I've noticed on Gaia is that others usually refer to me as "Noog." Granted, my username is two words, but it should be fully "Noog Nkauj," as in the Hmong language, noog nkauj means "listen to the song," whereas standalone noog simply means "listen."

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[. . . Star unknowing of night and day, Spirit we wait for the loving Son]

Thoughts of the Melodies

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

Memos To Me

View All Comments

n1ggy Report | 07/10/2008 9:33 am
You seem really cool.
chibblo_chibi01 Report | 07/01/2008 12:12 pm
The only reason I came onto your profile was to find out what that staff was called! arrg!
radioactive_french_fries Report | 06/27/2008 8:28 pm
hey i saw u in word assosiation, luv ur avy..

its so friggin awsome!!!!!
Sweet Miser Report | 04/19/2008 2:24 pm
Sweet Miser
Nah, I was making this mule thingy. It was gonna be where I, like, vented about stuff, and I didn't want my parents to be all, "Oh, this says you're Noelle and crap, and we're all mad 'cause you're all mad at us and you're a teenager who needs to say mean things that you don't actually intend for us to hear," iffen they saw it -- but I never logged on again. Y'know, like ColoRed? I'm so original, right? Plus, I was trying to get to that reward thing by inviting myself to Gaia. It's a dumb wooden chest. With some ugly chain / handcuff things in it. XP

^^ Tee-hee. I prolly will delete Paxtyn & this'n, though. I'm never on Gaia anymore, and it sorta just uses up space. I would delete Parade / Xhapoirah, but I like looking at my layout!

Can you delete these, anyway?

Hmm, you have a buttload of mules, don'tcha?

*le sigh* You know those layouts I made for my mom's friend's kids? They didn't like them! They were like, "Ooooh, I want different colors."

I was like, "You're twelve, you don't know what you like."

They're getting freakin' crap green.

Oh, my mom's friend told me he'd escort me to prom. XD Or rather, that he'd help me crash the prom.
sailorcosma Report | 02/19/2008 2:48 pm
Otays, so the links in the doll boxes on my profile word-wrap, but the titles are too long. And I even went and made them shorter. So I think if we just widen that column it'll be okay.
sailorcosma Report | 02/09/2008 3:01 pm
<a href="" target="_blank" class="postlink">YOU HAVE BEEN J-ENTRY TAGGED!

You probably have no idea what this is, so please click here to find out!
sailorcosma Report | 02/06/2008 1:59 pm
I can see the edit links for my content boxes on my profile now, since I got Firefox, but you still need to resize the columns, please. User Image
sailorcosma Report | 02/04/2008 6:06 pm

Our internet was out forever this evening, and it's taken me forever to do my rough draft. (Which, by the way, is four pages long. Lots of quotes.) So I dunno how that'll go, but whatever.
purple_heavens2193 Report | 02/03/2008 1:06 am
Thank you!! I like your profile, the colors complement each other very well.
Noog Nkauj Report | 02/02/2008 12:15 pm
Noog Nkauj
We do what we must because we can, for the good of all of us except the ones that are dead.

But there's no use crying over every mistake. We just keep on trying till we run out of cake.

And the science gets done and we make a neat gun for the people who are still alive.

And believe me, I am still alive.

Wishes of a Dreamer


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100rambles: The (Millionth) Journal of Noog Nkauj

Think you know who Noog Nkauj is? I bet I can prove you wrong! Read on for [hopefully] 100 interesting facts about this Asian phenomenon.