
23 Year Old Gaian. Been here since 2006. Now I mainly play to get gold to buy art and to pass the boredom after graduating college. <3


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The Evil, Twisted, and Random journal of Furtim

Hello this is my journal and ummm I'll put ummmm stuff here



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Senri no Kimi

Report | 05/23/2015 4:20 pm

Senri no Kimi

Thank you for your purchase smile

Report | 08/20/2014 2:04 am


Thank you for buying smile

Report | 08/10/2014 8:53 am


Thank you very much for purchasing!
Please come again soon!

Report | 07/13/2014 1:24 pm


thanks for buying !!!! heart
Redd Crayons

Report | 01/29/2010 10:13 am

Redd Crayons

Aww I'm so glad you had a good first semester! [: And good thing that your roommate and you are getting along now. haha I don't know what I would do without mine, she's my best friend! The computer class was a waste of time. haha got an easy A. I mean seriously, what where they thinking? A class on how to use the computer ONLINE? haha I think a person would be able to use a computer just fine if they're able to do it online. xD

Anyways, that would be cool to major in criminal justice! Speaking of majoring, I've decided to completely change my life. haha not really but I've decided to get an associates degree in equine studies (meaning i'm done with it at the end of this year) and start to major in elementary education. [: It kills me to only get the associates in equine but I can for sure survive with only 2 years of that and then PAY for it with the teaching. So hopefully this works out! [: I;ve always liked kids and teaching always has been in the back of my mind so I decided to do it. [:
Redd Crayons

Report | 01/27/2010 8:28 am

Redd Crayons

Thank you so much girly!! [:
How are you doing by the way? Long time no talk.
Redd Crayons

Report | 09/02/2009 6:17 pm

Redd Crayons

ahh i see! haha but thats still awesome you got to do that! and yeah that would be nice but i like need to re-read all of the book and the second to remember which part we were at!! ugh. its rather annoying actually. So monday i ate something that didnt sit well with my stomach so i was throwing up and sleeping all day. Today i found out i had an exam in my psych class monday. yepp missed an exam. a little advice for ya:: dont do that. thankfully its a freshman class so the teacher was like "you can make it up" after i begged and grovled at her feet for a half hour, yep after that i had to buy a stupid 200 dollar book for a ONLINE COMPUTER CLASS> you heard me. an online computer class telling us how to use the computer. WHAT THE HELL. seriously. and oh it gets better. so after buying the stupid thing (i have homework due tomorrow for it so thats why i had to buy it today) i find out i have to GO BACK OUT and buy office 2007. the ******** program doesnt even come with the ******** books. but its 9:15pm and the store is closed. meaning i have to find time tomorrow before 4 and go and buy the program, load it, and do the homework. I have classes all day. -.-

AND THEN i go and ride my horse at the other barn and while we're out in the woods he like strattles a baby tree and freaks the ******** out and scraps his leg up. yepp my day has gone relatively well/ can you tell? haha ah i feel much better now that i have ranted. : ]

thanks for listening. haha
Redd Crayons

Report | 09/01/2009 5:40 pm

Redd Crayons

I took a criminal justice class last year and i thought it was cool too! haha but white water rafting for orientation? where are you going to college?! haha school has been going great for me this year. [: been horse back riding all summer and now i'm back at it at school haha. i havent had any time to write though which makes me sad becuase for the past half a year or so, my book has been on hold. i really need to just sit down and have a good write session, ya know? haha but other than that everything has been great. very, very busy but great.
Droops Maghee

Report | 08/31/2009 10:14 pm

Droops Maghee

life is fantastic :]
i got me a gf! <333
teehee ^__^
Droops Maghee

Report | 08/31/2009 3:31 pm

Droops Maghee

thank you :]

