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"You know those people who say "May you have an interesting life" is a curse? ******** 'em, let's have an adventure."

"Say yes. Say yes as often as you can, and if you're lucky you'll find people who will say yes back. Saying yes begins things. Saying yes is how things grow. Saying yes leads to knowledge. For as long as you have the strength to, say yes." - Stephen Colbert

I love The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Colbert report, Strangers With Candy, Wicked, Queer as Folk, reading, politics and writing.
I absolutely love Stephen Colbert from his humor to his wonky ear biggrin

I write fanfiction constantly and it has become a staple in my life! (Just like air, sleep, food, mac and cheese, and chocolate)

Friend Me to find out more! TTYL!!


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WickedPookie's Insane Rambalings

It's Random craziness because I am random and crazy



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

My Chemical Crystal

Report | 08/17/2009 9:15 am

My Chemical Crystal

uhh...u rated the wrong avi. can u rate the gaz from invader zim avi? thats up for voting. the other are not
Guillotine Graveyard

Report | 08/08/2009 4:10 pm

Guillotine Graveyard

I'm very sorry but I've sold many items, here are what i have left:
ink: brown (1), green (1), yellow (2)
zerox paper: blue (78 ), white (101), goldrenrod(30)
bugs: blue dragonfly (3), red fly (3), cicada (16), brown beetle (5),
yellow butterfly (3), grasshopper (3), cricket (19), firefly (20), house fly (12)

Report | 08/03/2009 10:33 am


thank you for buying!♥♥

Report | 07/28/2009 8:53 pm


thnks 4 buying ^^

Report | 01/16/2009 7:36 pm


I love your dream avis as well! they're very intricate yet have a simple elegance to them. and your purchase went to my snow feather quest XD

Report | 01/16/2009 7:26 pm


Thank you for your purchase! ^-^
Madison de Point du Lac

Report | 01/10/2009 9:25 pm

Madison de Point du Lac

Salior Moon Princess

Report | 07/03/2008 2:35 pm

Salior Moon Princess

awesome avi

Report | 06/29/2008 9:10 pm


THANX for buying ;3

Report | 06/23/2008 5:32 pm



lucky. I'm saving up like 8-9 more k for something.

x___x *teh dyingxorz*


You know those people who say "May you have an interesting life" is a curse? ******** 'em, let's have an adventure.

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