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Viewing 12 of 71 friends


Retarded Crap I Post

Dear diary, today I learned that on the inside, I'm pretty ********' ugly.

I don't even use this thing really, I have no clue what I've even posted in here..O_0


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

PlXY v 2

Report | 06/14/2012 9:07 am

PlXY v 2

no problem c:

Report | 11/14/2011 4:46 pm


Stay Gorgeous wink

Report | 11/13/2011 8:50 am


You're Gorgeous sweatdrop emotion_bigheart heart emotion_bigheart
some plants

Report | 10/16/2011 7:26 pm

some plants

thanks for buying!
have a nice day c:
Stygian Rose

Report | 06/25/2011 7:26 pm

Stygian Rose

You're very welcome! And gorgeous avatar by the way, you look like a regal elven queen.

Report | 02/16/2011 9:27 pm


So... I was wondering...
Is it possible to get your purple body dye for my
sweet porridge?
I know its a tad less than what your asking on mp, but..
It would mean a lot to me. (And I mean that.)
For no real reason

Report | 02/05/2011 11:24 pm

For no real reason

Thank you for selling.
Green Thi

Report | 01/14/2011 7:56 pm

Green Thi

No problem(:
Raven Winter

Report | 10/16/2010 9:50 am

Raven Winter

Nope. See, falling off of the planet would require either a) an outward-facing gravitational force exceeding Earth's own inward force (such as, for example, a black hole of sufficient size passing too near the planet), or b) a flat planet, the gravity of which pulls in a uniform direction regardless of one's position on said planet, even at points beyond the edges. Currently, we have neither; thus, I could not have fallen of of the planet. wink

I've been unusually busy. Also, my house no longer has internet; we're waiting on that until we're finished moving.

Report | 08/25/2010 1:40 pm





Avi Art Freebies?