im Kalynne♡, im 20, been apart of gaia for a long time and love it smilelookin for some cool friends to make and do some fun activities on here so adds are always welcome heart

I Adopted A Panda
Name: poe
Age: 5 weeks
Likes: bamboo and celery
Dislikes: thunderstorms
Owner: kperz ^^
You Can Adopt One Too!

I Adopted A Baby Fox
Name: Tails
Age: 3 weeks
Likes: strawberries and rides in the car
Dislikes: birds and whistles
Owner: kperz ^^
You Can Adopt One Too!

I Adopted A Baby Wolf
Name: keyba
Age: 4 weeks
Likes: beef stick and steak
Dislikes: baths and vaccums
Owner: kperz ^^

I just adopted a chibi!
Likes: animal crackers, llamas and cheese balls ^^
Don't Like: spiders, static and mitch-match socks
Owner: Zombie_beatles_babe
Adopt me

I Adopted a Chibi!
Name: Inuyasha
Loves: Kagome
No Likey: baths and, being told the "s" word
Owner: Zombie_beatles_babe
Adopt me
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thank you for buying in my shop.
Please come again anytime and have a great day.
I'm doing alright, started classes again and hadn't found the time to get online, what with all the juggling of art history and history and chemistry and trying not to die from lack of sleep. But other than that, I'm alright. I honestly thought you disliked me or something that last time I commented, thought I had offended you in some way, which if I did, I didn't do it on purpose and had no intentions of doing so In the first place either. But enough about me and that, how are you????
what have you been up 2