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Lost in the Echo<3


About me(:

Hai c:
My name is Hex(:
I am 14 years old(:
I am nice.. a lil crazy but nice(:
My birthdays September 25(:
I am singal..
Nope heart i am taken
i love you baby heart
i live in florida^^
i love music
i never judge you
i dont care if ur bi, trans,les,gay, heart
ill always have respect for you<3
i am a wiccan healer<3
I am die hard Whovian. Forever&& Always Whovian heart

Anything else? PM me <3



heres a story i wrote heart hehehe

Once there was this little boy and this little girl. They knew each other since infancy and they were friends as long as anyone could ever remember. They are there for each other through everything....and just one day the little boy came over to the little girl`s house with a smile on his face. The little girl asked why he was smiling and he just said "no reason" and him and her ran into the forest

They stopped under a tree and near a river bank. The Little Girl thought this was the most beautiful thing ever and as she stared around in wonder the little boy stared at her. She looked into his eyes and he looked into hers. The leaned in closely and kissed for the first time ever and when they did all the birds and all the creatures worked together to create the most beautiful music to anyones ears….The girl asked what was happening for she has never felt this before. She has never had this loss of breath or this leap in her heart. The little boy told her it was love. He told her he has loved her forever and the little girl listen but soon she drowned out and just stared at his face. But soon the little boy placed an object in her hands. She asked what it was…for it looked different. it was a tiny object in the shape of a heart….but it just wasn’t one . He said it was the key to upcoming events. They held hands And walked back to the village as she wore the heart shaped thing around her smooth neck. The skipped back to town to tell there parents but at that exact moment there parents had each decided to move to opposite sides of the county. When they came back they were devastated at the news and forgot to speak of there new found love for each other.

But they knew there was only one wat to keep there love alive. They packed all there bags, and ran to the foreset as fast as there legs could carry them. Then they sat for three days and for three nights. As they were there they became closer and closer one day he left there little hole is serch for food. And when she was looking at her necklace she was able to open it and inside it was a ring with a dimond on it…She was so happy cuz he wanted to marry her….she satt and waited for him to get back butt he never returned. So she still sits there today waiting for her love to return…..
VK Diamonds
Lord Yorick LionMane Hyde
let them rot
Sir Nerd the Gentleman

My Art

My bestfriend drew this of me and her x;

heart heart

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heart Closest Friends I Got :3 heart

I AM THE ONE WITH THE GLASSES AND THE SCAR on le face... just sayin.. if it wasnt obvious