Viewing Troy Tenith's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Welcome to this Lair

Hey you all, thanks for checking out my profile! If we are in the same RP the chance is I am looking at your profile too right now! Feel free to leave comments on my profile, I will try to answer them and leave a comment on your profile. If you have any burning questions, feel free to PM me, I will always answer! If you have a good RP or play in a good RP or/and want to RP with me there, feel free to leave me a note on PM or profile comments! I am a Semi-Literate roleplayer and I love Medieval, Fantasy, some War, Family orientated (like Harvest Moon) and more in that direction.

As you can see from my profile and coming replies, I am not totally new here. But I forgot my log in e-mail, username and password after being gone for over a year due to my personal life. Let's have fun!

I currently have a Romance/War RP going on!

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Viewing 12 of 16 friends



I'll post my characters here that I play, see any interesting roles? PM me if interested for rP.


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Report | 05/02/2013 8:09 am


*waves* Remember me? How are you ?


~Music always makes it more bearable!~
-Fern Oakleaf-

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