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Marlyne Miller

Marlyne Miller's avatar

Birthday: 07/09


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Marlyne's Journal of Randomness

Hmm...well I usually think about a lot of stuff so I can't say exactly what I will write about. lol. It may be something you find interesting, it may be personal, it may just be something random. btw, Keep on the lookout for giveaway items too. :)


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Exivory Report | 05/11/2011 4:24 pm
Thanks, dude. o.o
Daniel_the_shadowwarrior Report | 05/01/2011 7:39 pm
np 3nodding
Daniel_the_shadowwarrior Report | 05/01/2011 7:31 pm
thx yours too
jps2209 Report | 04/11/2011 6:17 am
thanks and its nice to meet u too^^
your avatar is very cute^^
WRP420 Report | 04/02/2011 2:02 pm



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Ok... Born on July 9th in 1992, I never met my real dad-he left before I was born. People often ask me if it bothers me that I don't know my dad, but in all honesty, I really don't care. It was his decision, not mine. It had little impact on my life.
I was raised a Jehovah's Witness when I was little, but after I turned 4 it didn't have much of an impact on my life until recently.
When I was about a year or two, my mom married her first husband. My first half brother was born soon after. They were together for a few years before deciding that it wasn't going to work out and they got a divorce. She then married her current husband and they have stuck through it for fourteen (it will be fifteen in April) years now. And my other half brother was born almost right after they got married. With my only half sister being born only 3 (will be 4 on May 1st) years ago.
I have never really liked my step-dad. Although I will never say that I absolutely hated him. He "raised me as his own." I never really got a lot of attention, but once i turned 15, it was "Megan, you can't go out and chill with friends anymore." But that was mainly because most of my friends were boys... It was pretty lame, but I got used to it.
Recently I moved in with my great grandma and I work at the nonstop fitness gym. It's really fun and I enjoy my job. I love going out in service and helping people to realize the truth in the Bible. Which is why I'm so excited about getting baptized on April 24th. smile
Ummm....I have a wonderful boyfriend who, in my opinion, spoils me way too much. Of course it doesn't take much to spoil me since I really don't think that I deserve anything.
I've been told that I'm too hard on myself, but I know that if I wasn't I wouldn't be who I am. If you asked any of my friends from school or people in my congregation, they would tell you I'm an amazing person. (I have no idea where these people get this idea though because I totally deny it every time. That is the only thing my boyfriend and I have argued about to be honest.)
I don't like to argue when it's the screaming, red in the face kind of stuff. I don't like being yelled at and I don't like being stared at either because I'm so self-conscious. However, I can be quite "arguementative" as my family has told me quite often.
To be honest, I will admit that I do like to be tickled and I do like to just sit there and relax. I love to laugh. Tell me a joke and I will so bust out laughing. My friends tell me I laugh at everything, but a lot of times, if I'm laughing at a corny joke it's because it took me longer than it should have to figure it out. I have TONS of blonde moments. Usually just 2, but there was one day when I must have had close to a thousand. I felt like such an idiot, but I was too busy laughing at myself to care.
I will tell you straight up if you say or do something that I don't like. I will not beat around the bush, unless I'm nervous (which usually only occurs when I'm around my grandpa or my step-dad...they are really intimidating). However, I am quite timid so if I don't say something after the first time, it's because I'm hoping it's only a one time thing. I was told once that I'm a people pleaser and that I always put others first. I don't know how true that is, but I know that for any of my friends I would do whatever it took to make them feel better or happy or whatever. I would do whatever needed to be done.
However, I do have quite a bit of self control so there is a limit to the "whatever." I do have a Bible trained conscience so if I don't think that something is right, I positively will NOT do it. There's a saying: "If it's not right don't do and if it's not true don't say it." (I may have flip flopped that... sweatdrop ) Oh well. Anyway, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask. smile I'm an honest person and I don't have anything to hide, however, I do like my privacy.... bit of a contradiction there, huh? Anyway, feel free to ask. I would love to answer your questions. smile


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